Chapter 8 - a Small Hint

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Chapter 8 – a Small Hint

Friday, May 19, 2023
15:44 (Kiev local time)
Alchemist Bar
Kiev, Ukraine

Although it was only the afternoon, Tango Carlson was preparing to stowaway in a passenger vehicle. Their best bet was to go in the middle of the night to their destination. It was vital so that they can go in the darkness, and not be suspected by any rogue soldiers on duty. Going in broad daylight, would only jeopardize the team and the mission.

Tango Carlson met up at the Alchemist Bar in Kiev, located near the urban district. Nebula had set them up, to meet with the Ukrainian chief governor. Before starting their mission in Donetsk. Lucas waited for Nebula to come, and the latter arrived shortly. Lucas and the team saluted the major general.

The bar had an amazing design to it, one that was beautiful, unique and such. It looked such as a bar, featured in some science fiction movies, as well as also having some touch from the 1970s to it. Lucas for one enjoyed the artwork. Amber on the other hand, didn't really cares for it, as much as the others did.

"Glad to see your team in sync, Lucas!" said Nebula. With her, was a man who seemed middle-aged, perhaps in his mid to late-forties or even early-fifties. Lucas smiled at the man.

"Lucas, meet Oleksander Voloshyn, the chief governor of Ukraine." Nebula said, as she introduced the governor.

"Pleasure is all mine!" said Voloshyn. "I hope your flight here wasn't too exhausting."

"Not at all, sir!" said Lucas.

Standing near the governor, was a young woman who seemed to be about nineteen or twenty years of age. Hunter went to speak to her, as everyone else paid attention to what Voloshyn had to say.

"For a while now, we've been aware of these rogue South America soldiers, inside our borders, since your colonel briefed us in, a few hours after you landed here!" Voloshyn continued to elaborate on the situation. "We were told, you'd help us!"

"That's why we're here!" said Lucas. "I'm Maj. Brian Alexander Fischer, call-sign 'Lucas'. United States Army – Secret Services and IT Security Division. I've been enlisted personnel for first five years, before becoming a commissioned officer in 2016. Also, I mainly do field work, and less of the IT work."

"So, you protect from computer hackers I presume?"

"Not much as I used to. We have artificial intelligence in our servers, doing the most work nowadays."

"Oh yes. That is very true!" the governor chuckled. "That also explains the heavy automation of businesses worldwide in the developed world."

"Tell me about it! My wife had to quit her job at the supermarket she used to be the floor manager of, because three years ago, they announced they'll replace the staff working there with automated self-checkout computers. Not to mention assisting us in tackling and abolishing foreign threats."

"So, you will be able to take down these foreign threats on my land as well?"

"Hell, yeah! But also, we need to figure out their motive and intent."

"Hmm... impressive. That makes sense!"

Meanwhile, Hunter was having a conversation with the young woman, and was getting to know more of the city of Kiev. It turns out the young woman, was none other than one of the employees working at the Alchemist Bar. Her name was Yulia and she was an assistant manager.

"So, I know this may be none of your business. However, you are from here and I'm sure you're aware of why we're here!" said Hunter.

"Of course!" said Yulia. "My father told me, about those rogue tangos on our soil. They've been harnessing and producing weapons-grade cocaine and heroin and smuggling them as well as illegal weapons through your borders. You're here to stop them, along with knowing their plan."

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