Chapter 5 - the Eight-hour Flight

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Chapter 5 – the Eight-hour Flight

Thursday, May 18, 2023
04:54 USA ET
U.S. Army, Cyber, Narcotics and Human Trafficking Base
Washington D.C

The night was quite pleasant for most, but rough for a few individuals. Everyone was still sound asleep, having turned in early last night. Turning in before 21:00 to be precise. Lucas was in bed and while he already had slept over seven hours, the troublesome part came for him before his alarm would go off at 5:30 in the morning. It was not even five o'clock yet, the sun still had more than an hour to rise. He was however beginning to toss and turn. For some reason, he was having trouble while asleep and it didn't favor him too well.

He seemed to be mumbling in his sleep. In his dream, he saw himself and in front of him Angela. They smiled at one another and walked towards each other. Angela embraced Brian and he also embraced her. They then began to kiss. Seeing that, Brian woke up in cold sweat. He took a few deep breaths.

He saw his pistol on his bedside, it was unloaded with the safety on. He then took it, pointed the gun to his head. "Get out of there!" said Brian. He then got up to freshen up, since he had already slept more than eight hours.

"Well, today is gonna be an amazing day!" said Brian, as he suited up in uniform. His ACU had his call-sign Lucas, emblazoned upon it. His military ID tags also carried the call-sign on it. Everyone had their alarms also set for 5:30 and Lucas decided not to disturb them. He was still shaken up from the dream he had, about his and Angela's act of darkness.

Half an hour later, Auburn got up and also freshened up. Apparently, she didn't have any trouble in her barracks, nor did she have problems with her bed. Meadows woke up, feeling the same as well. The only one who slept until the alarm for 5:30 actually went off was Hunter. That too, his alarm didn't take him more than a second to jump out and leave the bed.

Spade was awake a little before five and was on her Android smartphone. She was on Skype™ video call, with her cousin Dallas and his wife Savannah. The two had their baby twins in their hands.

"Long time, no see, Dallas!" said Spade.

"How are you, Stefani?" said Dallas.

"I'm good cousin, what about you, Savannah? Have you also been doing good?"

"Can't complain!" said Savannah. "Did you know, Jonathan came to visit and although you never met, he stopped by to visit us with Gloria, and he wished you the best on your next mission."

"Oh, yeah! Wasn't he your rescuer, four years ago?"

"Hell, yeah! I feel the need to thank him daily, as well as Jesus for having sent this angel, if it weren't for him, my future would've been ruined for good!"

"I'd love to meet him someday!"

"How's your commanding officer?"

"Lucas? Can't say he's not the most awesome one yet!"

"Is he strict?"

"Yes, and that's part of his job description."

"Savannah, you know that a soldier needs to be loud and strict."

"The army never sleeps."

"He's very brave, save for sleeping on planes, he's scared to do that."

"Wow! That's the first I've heard of that."

"Scared to sleep on planes? That's crazy!"

"It is what it is."

Then Spade checked the time on the wall clock. "Alright, I got to go!" said Spade. "They'll call me out soon."

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