Chapter 14 - Plan Gone Awry

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Chapter 14 – Plan Gone Awry

Sunday, May 21, 2023
Police Station
Kiev, Ukraine

Auburn still wasn't assured that this was a good idea. Skepticism was in her head, however she said nothing then. Lucas and her finally arrived at the police station. He noticed Auburn was a little shaky.

"What's the matter?" said Lucas. "You seem like you've seen a ghost."

"I honestly still believe we should dispose this garbage, rather than put ourselves in it." Auburn replied. "Our mission here is done."

"We're not doing anything wrong! We are turning in the evidence, and we'll actually be rewarded for our honesty!"

"You sure about that?"

"More than ever!"

"Whatever you say, boss! You know I'll never argue with you!"

"I know!"

It was around the same time, where Meadows and Hunter pinged their location, and tracked them down. Hunter then caught eye of the police station. He then panicked.

"Shit!" said Hunter. "They're in there!"

"What?" said Meadows. "This can't be good; we need to check it out!"

Inside the police station, the officers listened to what Lucas had to say. Lucas explained the situation and was speaking clearly. The officers nodded their heads, but also, they felt suspicious. They didn't know if Lucas was telling the truth. After that, the officer then glared at him.

"You American tourists really expect us to believe this stupid story?" said the officer.

"That someone gave you the drugs and then ran away?" said the other officer.

"Officer, please believe me!" said Lucas, panicking a little. "I'm speaking the truth, we only wanted to turn this over to you!"

"Shut up!" said the officer.

"Let me explain, Brian!" said Auburn. "It's my turn to talk. Look, officer! There is a limit to being suspicious. Me and him were just enjoying our day at the Park of Eternal Glory! That is when two men, wearing black-colored suits and shades came to us. They were running away from a police car, and they handed this case full of drugs to us! I even told him to leave this bag alone! But he insisted on coming here, and now we're here to turn this over!"

"Why should we believe you?" said the officer.

"Because they are telling the truth!" said a female voice. They spun around and saw Meadows and Hunter.

"These 'American tourists' are actually in the United States Army. They're with us, he's our commanding officer, Maj. Brian Alexander Fischer, call-sign 'Lucas', and she's also a soldier like us!" said Hunter.

"We were here on a mission to investigate a disturbance in Donetsk." Meadows explained. "But now, we're done and preparing to go back to the USA!"

"Do you have any proof of this?" said the officer.

"Yes, sir!" said Meadows. "These are our official military IDs, and also I'm bringing in Oleksander Voloshyn and his daughter Yulia, who works at the Alchemist Bar, nearby."

"Stay with us, we're taking you to them!" said the officer.

Then, later on, the team got into a police van, which was a BMW SUV, and headed to the bar. Voloshyn and Yulia were waiting for them outside. The police officers then got out to speak to them.

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