Chapter 15 - Ready to Fly Back to the States

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Chapter 15 – Ready to Fly Back to the States

Monday, May 22, 2023
Alchemist Bar
Kiev, Ukraine

The next morning was better than yesterday, and Lucas wasn't feeling to uptight about the scene at the police station, regarding the drugs anymore. Tango Carlson were spending their last few hours, eating at the Alchemist Bar. Yulia was happy to see them enjoying their meal. Hunter was happy their mission ended in Ukraine, on a good note.

"Well, I'm glad to say, we're going home!" said Auburn. "I ain't gonna lie, boss. I feel bad for lashing at you!"

"You're alright!" said Lucas. "Fault was mine. Your anger was justified."

"Thank you so much, Tango Carlson!" said Yulia. "You really helped to stop the disturbances in Ukraine, we hope you can return to your home country and end your mission with a great celebration."

"Likewise!" said Hunter. "I will eventually reconcile with Kayla."

"Hahaha!" laughed Meadows. "No, I was thinking, the way you describe Kayla? If you were the hero, and she was the damsel, what would it's title be?"

"The Soldier and the Looney!" said Hunter, laughing. "Nah, I'm kidding! I love her!"

Auburn then smacked Hunter on the head, playfully. "Then, don't make fun of her!" said Auburn.

"Amazing!" said Lucas. "At least y'all are having fun!"

"Maj. Brian Alexander Fischer, thank you for what you did for our country!" said Voloshyn.

"Always, sir!" said Lucas. "That's our job!"

"Your drinks are ready!" said Yulia, raising her glass. "Toast to Tango Carlson!"

"Tango Carlson!" said everyone, also raising their glasses.

Auburn drained her glass quick. "Oh, this is so good! I think the toast should be raised to Yulia, instead!" Then she raised her glass to Yulia. "Yulia!"

Everyone else then raised theirs too. "Yulia!" Also, then they clapped. It was indeed a great moment, for everyone in the bar. Everyone else also finished their drinks. Lucas then decided after a while, it was time to go.

"Alright everyone, we should head back to base, pronto!" said Lucas. "We need to be back in DC by 1830 tonight!"

"Wilco!" said Hunter and Spade, simultaneously.

"Hoo-ah!" said Auburn and Meadows.

"Sugar!" said Lucas, jokingly.

"10-4!" chimed in S.A.R.A. to add to Lucas' joke.

With that, Tango Carlson bid everyone farewell. It was a bittersweet and touching moment. Auburn got her gear and traditional amulet ready. Hunter, for whatever reason, decided it was best to paint himself with camouflage design. Meadows made the cross with her fingers. Lucas sighed and loaded his weapons. He then packed some caffeine pills, knowing fully well he couldn't sleep while airborne.

After they all met up at the base common room, everyone stood side by side, as Lucas came. "Alright everyone, good to see you in sync..." his voice trailed off suddenly. "Hunter, what the fuck have you done to your face?"

"Sir, this is no ordinary paint." Hunter explained. "This helps in field work." Hunter then crouched down. Everyone then noticed he was gone... well almost. There was only his outline.

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