Chapter 30

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As I stand there falling to the ground for the words that had just escaped his mouth were to hard to bare. I was weeping for nothing could make me happy. For everything was turning black. Darkness surrounded me! I could find no hope. I heard Zack trying to sit on the ground with me but my teacher was holding him back, saying " best you leave her alone for now." All I heard Zack say was," she's going to be alone when she gets home right now she needs someone , someone like me!" As those words kept repeating into my head, I'll be alone when I go home. I blacked out. I woke up in Mrs. S office. I asked if I had been dreaming the whole time. But as she looked down at me I knew I wasn't. How hurt is my mom? She tried to ignore the question till I shed a tear and she said , she's on the edge of dying and she's in a coma. How could this be she wasn't suppose to be home all day. Why did she come home! "who found her?" " Sheriff West." I need to be with her! NOW! She tried to clam me down but she understood and decided she would take me. As we arrived to the hospital the doctor sent me to her room for they knew she was fading fast. As I layed my eyes upon her tears were streaming down my face. I asked what happened. " well she got off work early and got some food to make dinner and when she came home someone broke in the house knocked her out cold leaving trauma to her head , tied her up and cut off circulation, lastly stabbed and shot her once. Her skull is swollen so we had to induce a coma. But when your ready we'll wake her up and you both can decide weather or not to use life support. But remember she can only stay awake for 30min and we can only wake her up every 3weeks." I nod my head while the doctor and Mrs. S left me. I crawled into my moms bed and wrapped her arms around me. "mom, I'm sorry this is all my fault! I love you mom please don't leave me alone! Mom did you hear me! Don't go I'll hold on to as long as I can cause I love you!" with those words I fell alseep on my mom. When I awoke hours had pass and I saw Mrs. S walking back in and asked if I needed something to eat. I said no and looked back at my mom. Then at the clock it was 3pm and school had just ended. I knew Zack and them were on their way here but I didn't want to see anyone not even Zack. I would feel to guilty to smile. For my moms sake so I asked Mrs. S to let me know when their here so I can slip into the bathroom without seeing the guys. Right as I asked that they were here behind the curtain. I looked away as they walked in.

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