Chapter 27

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The last past couple of week's have been crap! Everyone treat's me like a child. Especially my friends and my boyfriend who in-love with a different girl. I mean I think Will likes me alot to but I can't be for sure. For he know's that I really like his bother to. I mean should I even be dating Will when he love's Allison and I love Zack. Allison was so lucky that to hot ripped guy love her. I envied her for that. I'm usually not the jealous type but I was extremely jealous of her. She already picked Zack and I learned to accept that fact and I choice Will because she already choice Zack. But Will still wasn't giving up on her so I was'nt giving up on Zack. But I knew better then to give everything I have to Zack. I just wish I could be Allison even with all the crap she has in her life at least she has someone to love her.

* Zack*

I didn't think I could more pissed off at Will ,but know just imaging him with Allison killed me deep inside. I knew I have a really bad dark side but Allie always made it go away with more love. But how could she be so close with me and him. I can't exactly blame her because it sorta the same thing with Emily ,but I don't think of her in that way. And a part of me knew Allison still thinks about Will in that way.

* Will*

I know it's wrong to be in-love with your bother's girlfriend, but I couldn't help it. I just wished I had made my move sooner.  never though Zack would confess his feeling's for her so I always thought I could wait till the day came when we were all alone in a romantic moment. But that day seems like it will never exsits anymore. I didn't want to hurt Zack but I could'nt help it. Love made me go crazy. But then there's Emily who I knows adores me and I sorta adore her to. But I'm not sure if I love her. I knew I loved Allison and I already told her that. But she keeps telling me how she love's Zack. Honestly who would'nt?

* Mrs. Van*

I have to be without a doubt the worse mother in the world. First, I let my husband torture my daughter in many different ways. Second, I didn't help her or anything. I told her to hide her secret and pretend to be a normal teenager. Third, I alway's took him back even those he was a monster! I promised her to keep her safe and look where she ended up. I didn't mean for this to happen. But even the worse part is, he escaped from jail, and if I know him then I know he's going to come after on of us. While she was at school and I'd was going to be home alone. I know he's going to attack me first to make her suffer. So today I made my will, and a five page long note to Allison for when that day arrives.

* Allison*

With everything that's happening, my dad escaping from jail, Will being in-love with me, Emily being in-love with Zack ,and me being tore between to amazing guys. I love Zack, he's such an amazing guy, sweet, kind, loving , but he also has a dark side that Iv'e seen once or twice but he con trolls it. Just for me! I always loved him and even more as we started to grow closer but then Will. I had a crush on him when we were younger but I didn't think much of it. Till I saw him again, his light brown hair, he's mussels, light blue brown eyes that sparkle, he's 5ft and 8inches tall , and then way he wears his clothes make me go wild on the inside. But then Zack was pretty much the same but with dark brown hair like mine. And Zack was always their for me. He never left me like Will did. But Will was just an amazing guy to but also a womanizer. And I hated him for trying to break me apart from Zack who's always there for me. Zack is the only one I can truly trust! He make's my heart skip and beat and even on my worse days he makes me feel pretty!

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