Chapter 21

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What in the world is going on!? Ms shields said. My dad was speechless that an adult had caught him in his game. I didn't want to say anything because I was afraid of more pain. So I said nothing , and mrs. S repeated herself one last time. Till Zack said, what you saw was what had happened no need to further explain. She picked up her phone and dialed 911 to come and arrested my father for hitting me. My dad yelled and plead not to because I only had hit her once because she was back talking to me. I acted out in anger I'm sorry I know I should know better. Mrs. S just looked disappointed in my father for even touching me. As we heard the cops car getting louder and louder my dad grabbed me in and gave me a big fat wet kiss. Then he through me upon the ground giving me a huge cut across my knee. Zack came to the ground and sat down next to me with his arms around me. As the cops pulled into the drive way and got out and asked what the problem was, my father swiftly said, I acted out on angry and accidentally slapped my daughter across the face and I keep apologizing to her but I don't want her to forgive me office. First they look confused wether they should or shouldn't arrest him. But just do they could make Mrs S happy they told him that they had to arrest you but you"ll only be in jail for 2weeks tops. So Mrs. S asked them to also take me to the hospital so they can make sure I have no more burses. They cops called the ambulance to come and take me. I refused to go as soon as they showed up. For I knew what the outcome would be. But Zack grabbed my hand and said its okay I'll be with you the whole way. As we leave my house and head to the hospital I felt relief because my dad was in jail and I was about to expose him for the man he really was.

As they took the X-rays and asked me to wait in this room I heard my mom rushing through the doors with my father. Asking is everything okay. Looking concerned for me for the first time in years. But I didn't say anything because I knew I was safe here especially with Zack by my side. As we all started to argue the doctor came in. We all became dead silent because he said , I have seen some other cases with abuse that didn't lead into death and I might just and to say your one of the worse. My mother asked why?And he continued, Allison that huge bruise on your stomach could have caused your rib cages to collapse or crush ur heart or make your appendix burst. He walked over to me and pulled up my shirt and showed everyone. Including Zack. I only told Zack about it , I never wanted him to see it to. It to late. My mom started crying and the doctor said, we also found the bruise all over your legs, arms, and especially your face. My mom looked so repelled by my dad she stepped away for him and walked towards Zack and I. My dad begged her not to leave me for some small mistake he made. The doctor interrupted him and said , mam' I think you should also know that we found some bruises in the lower area and know that your husband sexually abused your daughter. I looked over at mother who has tears streaming down her face and asked the doctor to call the cops. He nodded and walked out the door with my mom following behind him. I could tell my dad was pissed. As he came walking over towards me with a knife in his hand. Zack tried to stop him but all my dad did was throw him against the wall leaving him un conscience and his blood spilling allover the floor. He kept walking over toward me and took the knife and stabbed it into my thigh then my arm then my leg. I made to cuts across my face. I'm dying with pain as he takes the blade and was about to slash my throat the cops walked in. He threaten to kill me if they made a move. They just Asked him to dropped the knife instead he took it and stabbed in deep into my thigh. And fell to the ground. The doctor rushed in and had the nurse take care of Zack while the doctor took me into surgery.

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