Chapter 2

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As my mom held me in her hands I couldn't help but to think what would happen now. So I asked, and mom started tearing up again and quietly said, tell the police and file an assault. Grandma gave mom a big hug and told me  best go in the backyard to play. As I went to the backyard I heard the doorbell. Mom answered, and it was dad telling her how much he's sorry for hitting me and promising he'll never do it again and he'll go to meetings about drinking. Sadly mom forgave him and I mean sadly because the next  eight years of my life was hell. Every day he come into my room after mom leaves for work at 5am and start hitting me and saying, I was a big disappointment, how much he hate me, how I ruined his life and moms, and how much he wished that I was never born. I never cried in front of him because I didn't want him to think I was afraid of him , but the truth is I was depressed and angry. Sometimes even I'd wished I was never born, but I fought through it and so did my mom. She notice everyday how many burs es I had and every morning before school she would apply makeup on me so no one would notice ,and she told me it was to protect me from getting made fun of but I always thought different. I didn't tell anyone about how my father treats me because it's my fault. I didn't even tell my best friend and she always asks me what happened and I never tell her. Till the day I turned 13years old. I finally told my best friends, Zack and Emily. There reaction was unforgettable, they asked me to tell them everything that happened ,and when I did they cried and that was the first time Iv'e seen Zack cried that long. Zack is my first love and he always will be. I mean his been my friend every since we were little and how can you not love him. Now Emily is one of the people I can tell anything I want to and she's always there for me till now.

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