Chapter 8

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As I start walking to school I hear Zack and Emily trying to catch up with me. I didn't get the chance to put makeup on the red mark my dad left so I didn't want Zack seeing me ,but I tripped on a curb and fell straight on my butt giving them the chance to catch up. As Emily helped me up and Zack handed me my books he noticed the red mark on my face. Before he could even say anything I said, please don't ask. Emily did anyways. So I told them about the conversation my mom had with him last night and how he was changing and that I back talked him a little bit so he slapped me, no big deal. Out of rage Zack yelled, he still had no right to hit you! I turned to Zack and as my eyes meant his he started to blush. Emily ruined the moment and told us to start walking or we be late for class. So we kept walking and we were still late ,but only by five minutes. When we walked into homeroom everyone noticed that I had a rip in my jeans near my knees and I was bleeding so my teacher made me go to the nurses office and Zack took me. As we were walking up there I asked him if he wanted to see a movie later or come to my house for studying. He smiled and nodded his head yes. He lead me to a seat at Mrs. Shields office and asked if I wanted him to stay. I couldn't help but laugh a little and say of course I want you to stay with me, I never want you to leave me. We both started blushing as Mrs. Shields had walked in and said, what a cute couple you to are. Zack sat down right next to me and held out his hand wanting me to hold hands with him. As I placed my hand on top of his I couldn't help ,but smile and I felt butterflies in my belly. Then the nursed asked, whats the problem, and I showed her my knee and told her how I fell. She laughed at me and I started laughing at myself and said, that's what I get for day dreaming and walking at the same time. She knelt down and put a ban-aid on and when she looked up she was staring at my face and asked why I had a red mark. I said, I, I ,I um mm I and Zack quickly responded I tossed her an apple when she was walking and day dreaming so it hit her in the face and that's mostly how she tripped over that curb. I looked at Zack and said, yea but it didn't hurt and gave him a kissed on the cheek. He's face went a bright pink color and said, sorry again for that. It didn't look like the nurse bought it ,but we walked out of the room quickly so she couldn't say anything else. I turned over to Zack and said what if she finds out? He brought me into his arms and started saying, everything will be okay.

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