Chapter 13

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My heart was racing. As I turned to my dad watching my every move. I knew he was drank the second he opened his mouth and told me to get over there. At first I was frozen, then I quickly ran for the door but before I open the door my dad was standing behind me. He threw a a fist in the air and I ducked, I went between his legs crawling on the floor heading up the stairs. I knew I couldn't yell for helo because I didn't want my mom to be in any more pain. But right then my dad grabbed my ankle pulling me back down the stairs. He started hitting me with his belt leaving red marks all over my body. I tearing up ,but before I could plead for mercey he grabbed me by the throat and dragged me back into the kitchen. Then he thorugh me on the table and started ripping my clothes off. I tried to pull him off me but his wiegh was to hard to bare. He started kissing my neck telling me it's my fault that he loved me in this way. That I was to pretty for Zack. And that he could love me better then Zack could ever. I was so disgusted in my own father that I decide to yell for my mom, but before I could get  a breath out his lips covered mine. His lip tasted like beer, I was so reapelled by him I started to puke into his mouth and he backed away. I started to run but he grabbed me by the wrist and slapped me upside the head. I was seeing stars and fading in and out. He dragged me upstairs and locked me his room with him. I just got a breath and shouted for my mom  when he luaghed ans sayed you mom is nowhere near here! She's at a party miles away and wont be home till morning. He started  kissing me again and again and all i could do was lay they and think aboput how much i wished it was zack kissing me. He poured a nasty tasting liquid that i knew was some type of whiskey down my throught until i swallowed at least half of the thing! He kept telling me to drink it or hed hurt me more. I knew i was drunk and i hated the feeling. It made evrything feel okay when i knew in my heart that it wasnt. He snapped off the lights and laughed like crazy. It waqs no longer grossing me out: it was scaring the crap out of me! I started  crying but he wiped my tears with his thumb and said dont cry beautiful. I love you! We were meant to be baby! I started balling my eyes out and he just kept kissing my tears away! If it wasnt for the creepy thought that this was my dad it might have been sweet. As soon as he stopped kissing me i gasped for air and yelled what about mom?!     "why the hell would you worry about that ugly peice of crap! Screw her! You are MUCH better!" The next  few hours were a blur of tears and unspeakable torture. My heart sank so low i just left contiousness and fell asleep. I knew he was stil harrasing me. I dreamed of Zach and a happy life together also that my dad killed himself. All in all it was a good dream. I woke up a few times in the night to my dad slapping me and telling me i was a better girlfreind then a dughter and why didnt i love himn like he loved me. i tried to sleep but i couldnt. Untill he fell asleep ontop of me and i coulndt move...untill morning.

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