My Rainbow (Soulmate au) (Green x Reader)

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(Narrator's pov)
In this world color wasn't much of a thing for small children, a person wouldn't see colors until they first interacted with their soulmate but that wouldn't happen immediately and if the relationship broke you'd soon be stuck seeing black and white again. This was the case for Green, a promising young professor and Pokedex holder, he had once thought that he had met his one and only when he began to see colors but his heart was broken when he caught his partner sleeping with another man. Since then he had closed off his heart to everyone because he never wanted to be hurt again, he'd rather live a dark isolated life then be happy with someone by his side.

"Green be nice today, we have a champion coming in today from Kalos so don't be mean and force them away!", Daisy pleaded to her younger brother but he just continued his work on a newly born Zorua.

A knock resonated from the door of the lab which caused Green to groan in annoyance, if this guest was as annoying as the last he'd bolt to the Viridian gym and fight a trainer instead. Zorua began to become impatient and started running and yapping around the lab, Green tried his best to catch it but he was unable to until you showed up. You calmly called to the young black fox Pokemon and lifted it up into your arms, Green's emerald hues glowed for just a second and for a moment he could see you in pure colors. Soft (s/c) skin, bouncy (h/c), and gorgeous shimmering (e/c), warm soft (lip/c) lips. Green couldn't comprehend what was going on but he knew this feeling in his heart all to well. You smiled at him and gently handed him his Zorua back just as Daisy rushed in panicking.

"The little one was excited, it must have sensed my Zoroark near by. I'm sorry about that.", You smiled playing with the Zorua in Green's arms.

"N-no's not a problem I understand this little one was born without a mother so sensing another of its kind probably made it very happy.", Green mumbled looking anywhere but you.

You smiled and gently brushed Green's spiky Chestnut bangs out of his face, "You have gorgeous eyes.", You cheered driving Green heart insane.

Green handed you the Zorua and bolted up into his room to hide and compose himself, what was he supposed to do? He hasn't felt like this in so long and yet here you suddenly were making his heartbeat like a love song and suddenly giving him the ability to see colors again. He was so overwhelmed with everything that was going on he was unsure of what to do next, he didn't expect a beautiful creature like you to walk in or snatch up his heart so suddenly.

"Green? Green are you okay?!", Daisy yelled from the other side of his door.

Green quickly opened his door and Daisy smiled seeing a red blush dawn her younger brother's face, she could tell just by his body language alone that he was in love again.

"Daisy, who in the hell is that? I thought Diantha was coming.", Green croaked trying his best to sound relaxed.

"She's the new Kalos champion, her name is (y/n), she's a very sweet girl and absolutely amazing at understanding Pokemon. Please go back downstairs and talk to her.", Daisy begged pushing Green back downstairs only for his face to heat up seeing you play with Zorua and your Zoroark. Your Pokemon glared at Green for just a moment before nodding it's head and laying down at your side.

Green awkwardly coughed to get your attention and reintroduced himself to you, you giggled at his sweet gesture as he kissed your knuckles softly. Soon you were both lost in an endless conversation about the Fairy type Pokemon that had started to emerge in your region. While you spoke Green listened to every detail, he was lost in your beauty as you seemed to resonate a small (f/c) glow and it left him mezmorized. He couldn't help but smile at you as you drove his heart crazier and crazier. He loved how passionate you were about your region and even more so by how happy you looked speaking to him. The more time he spent by your side the more colors he began to see, could he actually be falling in love again? Suddenly a scream outside paused your conversation and Green quickly ran outside to check. Team Rocket had showed up again in his town!

"(Y/n), protect Daisy for me. Both of you stay inside I don't want either of you getting hurt.", Green growled throwing off his lab coat and running outside to face this nuisance of an organization.

He released his Scizor and Charizard for battle and soon with his well thought out strategy his enemies were defeated group by group. Just one last group stood while you watched from afar, "What about this town is so special that you always fight us over it?!", A rocket goon growled.

Green was unaware that you stood nearby listening but his answer was true, "This is my home, these are the people I grew up with, this is the place where I met her and realized what happiness was, you could never understand how much this town means to me!", with those words your eyes shined and you could see all the colors you couldn't see before.

Your heartbeat raced against your chest as Green defeated the goons with one last powerful flamethrower, you lips broke into a smile as Green turned around to see you standing there. Your knees were shaky and you didn't know how to handle all of these emotions, Green watched you fall to knees with a goofy smile on your face. He quickly joined you on the ground worrying if you had been injured but you were just brought to tears by his kind words.

"To feel as strongly as you do about your home is the moving thing I've ever felt, seems like your true colors have finally started to shine through.", You giggled wiping your tears away.

Green couldn't help but smile at your comment and pulled you into a sweet hug which you gladly returned. Soon Daisy was by your sides smiling at you both, she knew her brother's heart would be in good hands. That night you stayed for dinner and were pleasently surprised to realize that Green was an excellent chef, his Japanese and French cuisine was to die for. All throughout dinner you two chatted up a storm, talking about his journey as a Dex holder, talking about your rise to Championship, and so much more. The more you two got to know each other the more you two fell for each other and Daisy couldn't be happier for the both of you.

"(Y/n), let me take you somewhere special.", Green smiled extending his hand to you.

You took his hand excitedly as you both mounted his Charizard's back and flew off to the beach nearby. Green would purposely make Charizard go faster just so your hold around his waist would tighten and bring you closer to him. When you arrived you were both greeted by the glimmering blue sea and the gorgeous glowing sky, now that you could see color this place seemed even more beautiful than before.

"It's gorgeous, isn't it?", The Chestnut haired teen asked.

" is. So many shades of blue and white dancing over everything, it's beautiful.", You smiled stepping closer to enjoy the moonlight.

Green's emerald hues glowed upon seeing you and his heart beated sweetly as he watched you dance in the water. He couldn't contain his feelings anymore he had to tell you, just as the waves began to crash against the shoreline he grabbed your handed entertwined his fingers with yours and with the other hand caressed your cheek as he planted a sweet kiss against your lips. Your free hand rested against his heart, feeling every beat as he snatched away your first kiss. You couldn't help but smile against his lips, content with all that had happened today. He was your soulmate, he was your rainbow in the darkness that nobody could take away from you.

Once you both could no longer regulate your breathing you pulled away smiling at him. Green couldn't help himself and pecked your lips several more times before you called his name which sent shivers down his spine.

"Green, I love you.", You smiled enjoying the happiness that shined in his emerald hues.

"I love you more, my gorgeous (y/n)."

From that day on, you were both eternally linked. Green travled to your home region with you to meet your parents and ask for their blessing to marry you and it was there at the League Cathedral that you both were eternally linked by marriage. Green may have closed his heart off once but you were the key to unlocking his cold heart and you were the gorgeous rainbow to show him the beauties of life.

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