My Precious Partner (Lack-two/Blake x Reader)

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(A/n: Back with another chapter of the pokeboys! Today's chapter is on Lack-two on of the main pro-tags of the B2W2 Saga but I'm gonna use his English name of Blake. So don't get confused about it.) 

(Narrator's pov)                                       Blake growled as his reddish-brown hues landed on the face of someone he recognized to well, HQ had sent him a partner for his current mission and he absolutely hated her. 

"Well if it isn't Mr.Perfect~ How have you been Blake or should I say Lack-two?", The (h/c)-ette  teased in a singsong voice. 

"Don't give me that shit (Y/n), remember I'm you're commanding officer.", Blake growled smashing his forehead against yours as you both glared daggers at each other. 

"We're the same rank idiot, you just lead cuz you were on this mission before me!", (Y/n) growled back at the annoying brat.

(Y/n) smiled as three young ladies rushed up to Blake with bright smiles, Blake smiled and complemented all of them as he faked himself in front of you. (Y/n) made gagging sounds behind her and received a glare from the annoyed brunette, today you started Pokeschool with Blake and he was so damn angry about it. Cheren, their teacher, smiled as he introduced you to the class and immediately you made enemies and friends. All the girls hated the (h/c) haired girl mostly because Blake seemed to hate you but one boy really seemed fond of you. Hugh and Blake spoke about you as you became quick friends with Whitley (Whi-two), Hugh smiled as he watched you giggle.

"I have to admit the new girl's pretty cute. I might just ask her out.", Hugh grinned watching you with loved filled eyes. 

Something seemed to chip away inside Blake's heart as he glared at his navy haired rival, Hugh smiled seeing Blake's jealous expression and started to laugh getting (y/n)'s attention. Blake unintentionally blushed as you sat on his desk and leaned towards Hugh and chimed hello. Hugh smiled as a blush spread over his face.

"Huh? You have really nice eyes, they're my favorite color.", (Y/n) smiled. 

Hugh blushed as red as his eyes and walked away to calm down, Blake growled at you as he pushed you off his desk. 

"Why are you so annoying? You're blowing your cover stupid.", Blake growled pulling on his brown hair from all the stress.

(Y/n) laughed at her stupid partner, Mr. Perfect was getting bent out of shape all because of a fiery trainer he couldn't control. This was some of the funniest shit you ever saw. The bell rang for the school day to end and you were finally appointed to your new dorm room. The rest of the day Blake stayed away from you but he growled seeing Hugh in his room. 

"What are you doing here Hugh? If I knew you were coming I would've cleaned up.", Blake faked a smile although internally he was raging.

"(Y/n) and I are dating.", Hugh smirked. 

(Blake's pov) 
Something seemed to crack inside me as I let the news settle in my mind, Hugh and my partner were dating but why did I care? I hated (Y/n) we did nothing but fight but I still cared. I faked a smile at Hugh as I forced him out of my room and slammed the door, I have to talk to (Y/n). Being as flexible as I was it was easy for me to jump into the tree next to my window and it was easier for me to make my way to the girl's dormitory. It was easy for me to get to get to (Y/n)'s room but I continued getting mad about what Hugh had said. I snuck into her bedroom through her window and waited for her to return. I've hated her since we met in the academy all those years ago but here I am getting mad about Hugh dating her. My ears twitched to the sound of her door opening and I glared at the door as the lights turned on. 

"Oh? Blake what are you doing here?", She asked and I noticed the bouquet of roses in her hand.

"Did you steal those you evil little snivy, what are you blushing about (Y/n)?", I asked as I cupped her cheek with my hand. 

She kept a cool demeanor and refused to give into my touch, I smiled and leaned in till our noses touched. Her face heated up as I undid her ponytail letting her (h/c) locks fall, I smiled seeing her blush finally. Just as our lips were about to meet she cupped one of her hands over my mouth and pushed me away with the other.

"N-no! No I'm not falling for you, y-you heartless playboy!", (y/n) growled stepping away from her partner.

"I'm sorry (y/n) but I have to do this, I have to feel your touch.", I smiled feeling bad for doing this.

(Y/n) backed into a corner and I quickly trapped her with my body, I leaned forward taking in her scent and smiled. I knew this was wrong, that this was despicable, but I knew that I had to do it or I'd never have the chance again.

"I'm sorry but my stupidity caused me to be blind to my feelings of you. I don't hate you (y/n)....I-I love you dearly.", I confessed before pressing my lips lovingly against hers.

That kiss seemed to make the world stop, it felt warm and right and I wished that it would never stop but it was meant to end no matter how perfect it was. After that night, after the kiss, I avoided (y/n) and Hugh at all costs because I knew if I saw them together it would only hurt me more. Yet here I am, holding an invitation to a wedding that I didn't want to attend.

"I lost her....I lost my precious partner...and it was all my fault.", I whimpered as tears fell from my reddish-brown hues.

My partnership with you ended that day, along with my heart.

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