Embarrasing Recovery (Wally x Sick! Reader)

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(Narrator's pov)
Wally continued to run as rain poured down on him and the young trainer he carried on his back. He had found her fainted and alone in the forest near his home and he couldn't just leave her there. He quickly took the young teen back to his home where his family awaited him, everyone in the household stood to there feet when he swung the door open.

"W-we have to help her! P-please we have to help her!", Wally gasped as he struggled to catch his breathe.

His Uncle carried the young girl to the guest room as Wally's Aunt took care of her young nephew. Wally used his inhaler to regulate his breathing before taking a quick shower to wash away the cold rain water, he was worried about the girl.

"Is she gonna be all right?", He asked as worry filled his pale blue eyes.

"She'll be fine Wally, I've already changed her into fresh clothes but it seems that she has a high fever. Where did you find her?", His Aunt asked.

"Well Ralts and I were training in the forest when it started to rain. Ralts ran off so I chased after him and that's when we found her unconscious by the river.", Wally sighed remembering the recent event, "I-I couldn't just leave her there it woul-"

"Wally shh...It's ok. You did a great thing saving this young girl and I'm sure she'll be thankful when she recovers. Now come on, we need to let her rest and you need to eat dinner.", His Aunt giggled.

Wally smiled and took one last glance at you before turning off the lights and letting you sleep. This is how you both met and how your friendship began.

(Y/n's pov)
"107 F·!!! (Y/n) are you freakin serious?! This has got to be your highest fever yet!", Sapphire growled as she scolded me.

I tried to laugh but it ended up turning into a coughing fit. I was sick and like always it was a high fever. The whole reason I got sick is because I dived into an icy river to save a baby Spoink from drowning and the freezing water gave me a cold. Sapphire handed me my medicine and water, I quickly drank it since it tasted so nasty but I had to get better soon.

"You know he's gonna kill you when he-", Sapphire squeaked as a loud slam echoed through the halls.

I sighed as I heard footsteps running quickly upstairs and towards my bedroom. My bedroom door swung open and there he was my rival and boyfriend Wally. Wally was a really caring young man but boy did he get bad whenever I got sick. He glared at me with a angry frown and walked up to my bedside, I smiled as I felt his embrace and at the comfortable warmth. Sapphire quietly snuck out and left us alone since she knew Wally was going to complain.

"(Y/n) how many times do I have to tell you not to get yourself caught up in dangerous situations! Do you know how worried I was when Sapphire called and told me what happened?!", Wally complained as he continued to hug me.

I smiled at his cute behavior but I felt totally guilty for making him worry so much. His Gallade suddenly appeared with a bucket of cold water and a cloth, Wally smiled at his partner and quickly prepared to treat me. Wally always ended up being my nurse while I recovered and he would always take care of me.

"What're you smiling about? Next time I'm gonna let Ruby take care of you.", Wally growled playfully as he placed the cool cloth on my forehead.

"Do I look like I wanna model thirty different outfits for that guy? Besides he's too glittery and he'll complain if I get him sick.", I laughed as my medicine started to take effect and make me drowsy.

"You just go ahead and rest while I make you some soup. I'll wake you when it's done.", He smiled cutely at me as he walked out of my room.

Once he was out of sight my face erupted into a huge blush as I thought about how cute he could be, his angry pout, his adorable smile, his cute blush, his cute messy green hair, oh sweet Arceus how was I so lucky to get a guy like him! I slowly started to calm down and let sleep take over until eventually I saw nothing but black. Being sick really has its perks.

(Wally's pov and timeskip)
(Y/n) was so stubborn sometimes I mean I got her to eat the soup but now she doesn't want to take her medicine even though I mixed Combee honey in it.

"(Y/n) you need to drink your medicine or you'll never recover.", I whined waving the spoon in front of her.

"No that stuff is disgusting! I'm not taking it I would rather be sick forever than take that junk!", She whined pulling the sheets over her head.

I sighed as I thought for a moment, she won't take it normally but maybe I can trick her into doing it. I smiled as I took a spoonful of her medicine into my mouth, I tugged at her blankets until I finally saw her face and pressed my lips against hers. I could feel her blush as I continued to kiss her but I need her to open her mouth. I ran my hands down her sides making her gasp so I took the opportunity to drop the medicine in her mouth. She pressed her hands against my chest but I had to keep her focused until the medicine was gone. My tongue started to play with hers making her moan cutely, we continued this for a good few minutes until finally we couldn't breathe anymore.

"W-wally that was so embarrassing aren't you supposed to be innocent?", (Y/n) blushed as she hid under her sheets, "What if you get sick because of me?"

I smiled at her and kissed her forehead before I walked out of her room to let her sleep. I quietly made my way to the kitchen where I then collapsed, Gallade started to worry but stopped when he noticed me rolling on the floor.

"Why would I do that? That was so embarrassing! I wonder if it was even a good kiss gaaaaahhh this is to much! If I ever do that again I'll die of embarrassment....but she looked really cute when I kissed her. I wonder if she enjoyed it? Hhhhnnnnn!", Gallade watched me as I continued freaking out about my bold actions.

~in the room~
(Y/n) blushed as her lips continued to tingle from the kiss her boyfriend had just gave her, he sure was a trickster but boy was he cute. She sighed as she fell asleep hoping she'd recover soon so she could be with that adorable green haired teen she loved so much.

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