Broken (Child!Ruby x Babysitter!Reader)

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(Y/n's pov)
"(Y/n) I know you're still young and you'd rather be training with your Pokemon but if you could watch my son for a couple of days while we're out of town that would be great.", Norman spoke with his usual gruff tone.

"Of course Mr.Norman I'd love to. I've always wanted to meet Lil Ruby.", I smiled as I continued getting ready to head to Goldenrod City.

"Thank you (Y/n). You've always been a helpful young lady.", Norman chuckled as he ended the call.

"All right babysitting Lil Roob! I saw him once or twice when he was just an infant so I don't think he recognizes me anymore but oh well! Come on Todo!", I cheered as my Tododile hopped onto my shoulder.

My Noctowl gave me a lift to Goldenrod City and soon enough I was in front of Norman's house. I knocked on the door excitedly and waited for someone to open up. Eventually Mr. Norman's wife opened up and boy was she ever do excited to see me.

"Oh my Arceus! (Y/n) is that you?!", She smiled as she hugged me.

"Yup! Long time no see.", I grinned.

"You've gotten so big. What a wonderful young lady you've turned into.", She smiled as she continued to complement me.

I blushed as I entered the house, "I'm only eleven, nothing special...."

I noticed a young boy sitting on the stairs, he was wearing red and black clothing and a white hat, he had gorgeous red eyes to. That's when I pieced it together and realised that it was Ruby.

"Oh my Arceus is that Ruby?", I smiled seeing the young boy react to his name.

"Huh oh Ruby you came downstairs. Come here Son I'd like to introduce you to someone.", The little boy slowly made his way to his mother's side and hid behind her legs, "Hehe Ruby this is (Y/n). You probably don't remember her but she used to come visit you alot when she was little."

The little boy waved shyly at me before returning to his hiding spot behind his mother. Norman showed up with two briefcases in hand. Ruby's parents were going to a conference in Blackthorn City so I was staying with Ruby to watch over him. Ruby's mother adjusted his shirt and kissed his cheek before leaving and it interested me when I realized that Norman said nothing to his son and Ruby's body language changed.

Soon enough it was just me and Ruby. I walked up to young child and squatted down till I was at his eye level, "So what do you want to do Ruby?"

"Leave me alone...", The young boy growled as he rushed upstairs to his room.

"Todo....tododile.", Todo whined.

"Yeah I noticed it to buddy, that there is the most broken little boy I've ever seen.", I sighed.

I pulled my (h/c) hair up into a ponytail and walked into the kitchen, I hated seeing people sad. It was an ability I was born with I could sense things in both people and pokemon just by listening to their hearts and Ruby was the most broken I had seen yet. He was young but I don't know what he has gone through to be this sad but the least I can do is make him feel better.

I quickly made him some of my mother's famous squirtle soup (fav/soup w/squirtle squirtle shaped veggies) and took it up to his room. His door was locked so I knocked but no response.

"Hey Roob I brought you dinner. Come on out and eat with me, I brought some special pokemon food for your partners s-"

"Go away or you'll be scared of me just like her!", He screamed, tears dripped from my eyes when I felt his heart resonating a painful feeling. (A/n: like Steven when he felt Blue Diamond's pain!)

POKÉBOYS X READERTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang