My Everstone (Jealous!Ilima x Reader)

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(Narrator's pov)
She was the champion of Alola and he was the first captain she fought, no matter what the circumstances they were destined to meet. Ilima watched happily as you grew through your journey and the more you grew the more be came to love you, but when you finally returned to Melemele island you brought along a boy or two and it broke Ilima's heart. He loved you but how could he compete against an adorable dork like Hau or the serious and handsome Gladion, seeing you with them made him feel feelings he never felt before and it sucked. Even if he was a dreamboat his charms seemed to miss your eye, oh those sweet deep gorgeous (e/c) eyes that he loved.

"(Y/n) let's go get a Malasada!", Hau cheered as he gently pulled you by the arm.

Ilima followed trying to understand what you saw in Hau, if he could understand than maybe he could get you to love him just as much. Hau made you laugh and smile and it drove Ilima crazy, he wanted to be the only one that made you feel that way but Hau was sure having a fun time doing what Ilima could only dream of.

"Perhaps they're dating? Oh how I wish I could be the only man (y/n) looked at.", Ilima sighed as his partner Gumshoos watched over you and Hau.

The pokemon knew how much it's trainer loved you so it was going to assist in making its Trainer's dream a reality. Gumshoos quickly scampered over to you making Ilima chase after it in an attempt to stop it. The laughing pair of friends were disturbed by a growl but they both smiled seeing the friendly Gumshoos.

"Gumshoos you can't just scamper off like that!", Ilima pouted as he caught up to his partner pokemon.

"Heehee no harm done Ilima. It's good to see Gumshoos again and you.", (y/n) smiled warmly as she started into his sweet gray hues.

Ilima could feel his cheeks heat up but he quickly shook it off and chuckled as he patted Gumshoos' head. Hau smiled but excused himself since his Grandpa Hala was calling him. (Y/n) smiled as she waved goodbye to her hyper friend.

"Well looks like I'm free for the rest of the day, care to join me Ilima?", you smiled.

"O-of course! I-I'd love to.", he smiled.

Ilima could feel his face heat up as you took his hand in yours, you both spent the whole afternoon together exploring stores, battaling trainers, taking photos, almost everything you could imagine. Ilima loved this time with you, there was no Gladion and no Hau, it was absolutely prefect.

"(Y/n) would you like to try a castelia cone with me?", Ilima asked sweetly.

You smiled and raced him to the castelia cart, you arrived first and Ilima couldn't help but smile seeing your blushed face as you drooled over the many flavors. You were to cute for your own good, being the gentlemen he was he paid for the cones. (Y/n) looked so cute as she happily ate her (fav/flavor) cone, this day couldn't be any better but sadly it only got worse. A scream caught both of your's and his attention, a team skull grunt was attacking a little girl. Ilima immeadiatly sent out Gumshoos but before he knew it you were already in front of the little girl protecting her.

"Back off.", you ordered sternly as you glared at the troublemaking grunt.

You were so focused on the other grunt that you hadn't noticed another one appear behind you. This female grunt released her Lurantis and prepared it to attack.

"(Y/n) look out!!", Ilima warned.

Your (e/c) hues caught sight of the attack and you used your own body to shield the young child. The razor leaves left cuts all over your body but thankfully the trainer was safe. Ilima watched in pure rage as you were attacked by the two grunts, he preformed the dance and Gumshoos used Break neck blits knocking out the Lurantis and Rattatta. The grunts called back there pokemon and ran off as Ilima glared at them.

"(Y/n)!!!", someone cheered.

As the pink haired teen turned towards you he noticed Hau by your side.

"(Y/n) are you alright?!", Hau panicked as tried to help you up.

You let go of the young girl and returned her pokemon to her, the little girl cried but thanked you for saving her. You winced at the pain from your injuries but forced yourself up, you smiled at Hau and it kinda calmed. Ilima frowned as tears started to brim at the corner of his grey hues, even when he saved you, you still only seemed to look at Hau! He ran off back home but he could hear you call out his name but he refused to look back. Why did you need him if you had Hau?!

(Ilima's pov)
I stayed hidden under my covers as I continued to cry over (y/n), I loved her but she didn't seem to love me. I rescued her but she didn't smile at me! Someone knocked at my door and I frowned thinking it was you but it was only Gumshoos. My brown furred partner handed me a note, and it was from you.

"A prince once told me, "I hope our friendship will last as long as an Everstone." Even if we fought I hope it does so please meet me at Verdant cave. I have to speak with you. -(Y/n)"

I sighed as I reread the note, fine I'd go and even if she wasn't alone I would still confess to her. I quickly made my way to Verdant cave, it was a beautiful night just as beautiful as Lunala itself. I noticed (Y/n) standing in front of the trial gates, she smiled at me as I got closer. She was covered in bandages but still able to smile as if nothing that's what I loved about her. Always positive and optimistic even the worst of times.

"Hi.", she smiled.


"Ilima, I forgot to say thank you. Thank you for saving me and protecting me.", she smiled hugging me as she finished thanking me.

"Of course my dear. Anytime.", I sighed hugging her back.

She stepped back and pulled something out for me to see, it was the Everstone I gave her when we first met.

"I guess our friendship really is everlasting just like an Everstone.", she cheered holding the stone to her heart.

"Yeah friends....I take it back!"


"I take back what I said I don't want an everlasting friendship....I-I want an my love for you to be everlasting! B-but you'll never look at me as a love interest because you have Hau and Gladion!", tears poured from my eyes just like I poured my feelings out to you.

I was done being the sweet shadow behind them, I love you and you needed to know! As I stared down at the ground and let the tears stream from my grey eyes you lifted up my chin. I didn't expect you to press your lips against mine, but you were, your lips were soft and warm. Your arms snaked around my neck as you deepened the kiss and mine rested on your hips as I pulled you close. We kissed underneath the stars as you returned my feelings and I couldn't be happier.

"Than I'll happily have a relationship with you that will last as long as an Everstone.", You smiled as you pulled away from the kiss.

I could tell my face was a red as a tomato berri but it didn't matter you loved me and all I had to do was confess. I pulled you close to my body as I pressed my forhead on yours and smiled at you.

"I love you my gorgeous moon."

"And I love you my handsome prince.", she smiled as I pressed another kiss to her sweet lips.

I don't hope, I know our love will last as long as an Everstone because we share the same love for each other that will never die. I love you (y/n).

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