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You immediately ran out of the house heading towards the hospital. It was late at night and you could barely see any cabs running by the lanes. The first time you regretted not having a car. However, you decided to run to the hospital. You couldn't think straight as ominous thoughts ran across your mind. Your heart sank from the moment you got the call. As you crossed the lane you ran searching for any cabs. Just at that moment, a car stopped in front of you. Two men pulled you in before dissapearing in the dark alley. All you could do was screaming before they drugged you with chloroform, causing you to faint.

"What! A glitch?", Jin asked confused. "Hoseok did all the searching through the systems. Firstly, it seemed like a glitch. But, later he found out the someone got an entry point. Using which, they hacked into our system, spreading this chaos.", Namjoon explained. " What about my phone? Why was it not working?",Jin asked again. "Ah that seemed to be same case too. Your mobile network was jammed for a time being prohibiting it to make any calls or texts." Hoseok answered. "Plus as far as I know, during this time the third system can make calls or text using the number.",Hoseok added. "But Hyung, this must be something. I mean spreading this information all of a sudden.... Plus look it's working normal now. The system & your phone both. Doesn't it seem baseless unless someone trying to distract us... ", Yoongi paused at to look at Jin. Jin's eyes widened at realisation. He frantically looked out for his phone before dialing your number. Your phone was switched off, breaking Jin into cold sweat.

He entered the house to find it empty. He immediately call out Yoongi. " Y/N is missing. Get to work now.", he said before hanging. He checked the CCTV footage to find you running out of the house crying. He banged his hand on the table. He went back to his office hoping to get some leads. "Did you track her mobile network.", Jin asked. "Yes it is probably thrown on the lane near your house.", Namjoon  said still his eyes glued to the laptop screen. "Is this him by any chance?", Jungkook asked Jin. " Who else do you expect it to be?", Jimin said entering. "Choi Minho you must not get away this time.", Jin said with dark eyes. "Hoseok try to access the parasite server & track it's location. And Yoongi see if can get something from the CCTV footages.", Jin ordered both.

You jolted up, your head hurting, vision still blurred. Trying to figure out where you are, your blurry vision roamed around the dimly lit room. You found your hands & legs tied to the chair, you mouth taped. Still struggling to stay conscious, you were thinking about your husband. Tears roller down your cheeks. Now with clear sight your eyes darted on the wall in front of you. To your horror, you realized the whole wall was covered with your pictures. Pictures from college days to your wedding day, you at your home to your office. You were captured in every moment. Suddenly the door opened, as you saw a man entering wearing all black including a face mask & cap. "Already up, darling?", he sat on a chair in in front of you removing the tape from your mouth. "Who are you? What do you want?", you struggled to let out the words. "What I want?", he paused. " I fucking want you Y/N!", he yelled making you flinch. "I've always wanted you. But you.. . . You never noticed me.", he said. You somehow found his voice familiar, still couldn't figure it out.

"Do I know you? Why am I even kidnapped & tied down here?", you asked. " Relax baby. You'll know everything. After all you are going to be mine, finally.", he said laughing. "What do mean? Just reveal yourself already, you COWARD!", you yelled at him. "You already know me baby.", he said. His deep husky calm voice sent down chills to your body. "Why did you marry that bastard when I told you not to?", he asked. " When did you. . .. .Ah wait! So it was you who passed that cheat papers to me before our wedding?", you asked ok return. "You are so smart darling.", he said. "You are so hard to get Y/N. Even that pathetic fool died saving you.", he blurted out. " Whom are you talking about?", you already knew the answer, still asked him. "Jonghyun, who else! And Yes your so called husband  almost died too that day but he was saved somehow.", he said. " That pathetic being, didn't give in. Till the last drop of blood dripped from his body. If he didn't intervene, he wouldn't have been murdered so brutally. Tsk what a waste of life!", he said cheekily. Your blood boiled hearing that man calling your brother names. It ripped you apart knowing, he died saving you, that it almost killed Jin too.

"Who are you? How do you know me? Why did you kill my brother?", you asked all the questions in a breath. "You never noticed my feelings darling. Neither did I had the courage to ask you out. Eventually, I became your stalker. However, your smart ass brother, came to know about it. Of course with the help of that Bastard SeokJin. We had planned everything. I dreamt of making you mine & fleeing from here. But both mofos had to ruin it. They found it out hide out but see their so called help arrived late. We found them. Both were such a pain in ass! In the process your brother was killed but I regret that Seokjin was saved. Only person if I could kill him. How many attempts I made to get you. Even I dissappeared from your life! But all, all went in vain. Why? Coz your asshole husband stood like a shield. He was so dedicated, it felt like he literally lived his life to save you. Only if I knew that he loved you too, I would had killed him then & there. See here you are totally clueless of the things you caused. You literally jeopardized the lives of people around you Y/N.", the man said sighing.

Tears rolled down your cheeks you felt guilty, you felt like killing yourself. However, your eyes got caught on a picture of yourself, stuck on the wall. Your eyes widened as you finally realized, who was the man sitting in front of you. The man followed your gaze, to see the picture. "A-Are y-you-----", you were cut off! " Gotcha! Yes I am.", the man said smirking.

Annyeong my readers! Did you like the update? Let me know! 😇

Today I'm share my spirit song with you! The song which energizes my up everytime!
(∩ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)⊃━☆─=≡Σ((( つ◕ل͜◕)つ

Yes both are same song but do listen to both the SOPE & OT7 Version! 💜

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Borahae! 💜✨❤

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