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Unable to sleep, both tossed on the beds, several thoughts lingering in both's mind. One pair of eyes shed tears for getting eaten up by the guilt of knowing everything while the other pair shed tears for being barred from knowing anything.

Next day.....

Jin got up early, deciding to go to work, the sole reason was to avoid you. But as he headed down stairs, he saw you sitting down eyeing him as if you were waiting for him. He continued to walk down without any word. "Mr. Kim Seokjin mind explaining me? ", you said standing in front of him. " Mrs. Kim Seokjin, didn't I make it very clear yesterday about not answering any queries of your's. ", Jin said as he tried to exit. You grabbed his wrist pinning him to the wall. "Bend down!", you said. With wide eyes, he bend down to your level. "If you are not willing to answer me, then I'll find out myself!", you said almost brushing lips with his. He turned you, to pin you down. You gulped as you were under him. " Let's see if you can find out. You are so dense Y/N. You can't see things around you. You are not capable of it. If you could then all this would have not happened.", he said freeing you. "So why don't you tell me? Why do you always dodge when it comes to this?", you yelled with tears brimming down. Jin just went out without answering.

Meanwhile.. . . .

"I want him alive. Track him anyhow. He's getting on my nerves!", Taemin Shrieked on a call. " Why so hot babe? Whom are you talking about? ", Jinhee asked sitting on his lap. " Kim Taehyung.", Taemin said. "And who is he?", Jinhee asked. " He's the deadliest animal. He's the shadow.", Taemin said. "Can I do some research huh?", Jinhee said smirking. "Sure babe, if you could find him out, I'll give you what you need.", Taemin said kissing her.

"Just get it done this time.", she said. " Yes, there's no way I'm gonna let her away like last time. ", Minho said revolving his gun. " I made a perfect plan this time too, if you are not going to execute it well, I'll make sure to kill her with my hands.", she death glare Minho. "No way, this time we'll get her. I got my men ready. Everything is perfect just.. . .", Minho paused. "Just?", she asked. " Kim Taehyung! I'm really amazed by his guts. We are not able to track him. All Others are taken care of. The main obstruction is him. I don't know why is he even involved after all this. Anyways, I got Taemin working on him. ", Minho said. Her expression changed to dark. " That name is the one I wanna hear the least. I'll take care of him. You just carry out the plan. Maybe in 1-2 days. I want it real quick.", she said. Minho shivered from her coldness. All he did was agreeing to every single word she said.

"What on the earth did you two fight about?", Yoongi almost yelled. "She saw me with Hye Jin.  I'm damn sure she misunderstood the situation. I was ready to tell her everything she wanted to know. But When I got back home, instead of asking anything she tried to help me. I mean why is she so considerate, so innocent? I'm so done with her attitude. I want her to know everything but she's making it difficult every  damn time.", Jin blurted out. " Hyung, you still want to deny the fact, that you love her?", Hoseok asked. "No, I don't love her, I can't.", Jin retaliated. " Oh come on Hyung, everyone present in this room can see it, except you. ", Namjoon said. Just as they were talking Jimin entered. " They are planning something bigger this time. Hyung I guess it's time for you to tell Y/N the truth.", Jimin suggested. "Hyung, just tell her. Everything. Not at once but a bit by bit.", Jungkook said finally. Jin sighed. " Ok I'll tell her. Everything. But a bit by bit. I'm not sure how she'll take this. I'm scared. She's so fragile. So I'm gonna take time. Thank you all. Now I should get going.", Jin said as took his briefcase heading out.

"Kook, you really grew up. Ain't you?", Jimin teased him. " Yes taller than you,definitely.", Jungkook smirked. "Oh, you're turning 22, this year, I guess.", Hoseok said. " Ah yes, about that, when is your b'day?", Namjoon asked. Somehow Jungkook's expression changed into a sad one. Everyone gave confusing looks to each other. Suddenly the door opened revealing a smiling Yoongi holding a cake. Others kept him busy, letting Yoongi slip out the room. So Jungkook was..... . .. . ..

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