After Copy

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Kan and Yamada finally managed to wrangle all the confused students back into the surveillance room.

"Alright. How do you think the exercise went?" Yagi asked. He felt horrible that Midoriya had ended up breaking down during the exercise, and even more so combined with the fact that as All Might, he had told this same kid eight years ago that he could not be a hero while quirkless.

All the remaining students were looking ar each other uneasily, or staring at their feet. None of them wanted to speak up, until Kendo bravely raised her hand and said, "I... think that we underestimated him. He said he was quirkless, and even though most of us knew that he was able to hold himself in a fight, we subconsciously held back."

"Okay. Who agrees with Young Kendo here?"

The students stayed quiet, until one by one, hands who up into the air. The only ones who didn't raise their hands were Monoma, Kirishima, Tetsutetsu, Todoroki and Yaoyorozu.

"Alright. Anything else?"

Kamakiri was next, "We weren't in sync. We made plans, but once something went wrong, we just got in each other's way. Midoriya was able to use our confusion against us."

"That is a good point, Young Kamakiri." Yagi nodded. "You have never worked together before, while I did see you trying to coorperate with each other, this is a very vital skill to have. Can anyone tell me why?"

"Heroes from different agencies may have to work together, without any prior experiences beforehand." Yaoyorozu replied.

"Correct. If you don't work together and sync properly, you may very well hurt your comrades instead. Young Fukidashi, would you like to say something?"

"Bakugou threw a grenade at Midoriya, but he kicked it at Todoroki and I. Todoroki was able to protect himself, but if it were a real battle I don't think I would be here." Fukidashi said sheepishly. He was still covered in paint, but Yaoyorozu had very politely created some towels for him to wipe himself off, and Todoroki had melted his ice to clean off more of the paint.

"Great. Vlad King, do you have anything to add?" Yagi asked. He was a newbie at teaching, and almost everything that was part of the lesson plan was blown way off because of Midoriya's performance.

"Do you have anything to say in regards of quirks?" Kan asked. Most of the students just stared at him blankly.

"We made the groups based on how well our quirks would mesh together." Monoma said, "Like Tokoyami and Kuroiro, Tetsutetsu and Kaminari, Uraraka and Yanagi, Yaoyorozu and Kodai, and Iida and Shoda. But they weren't as affective as we thought they would be."

"Actually, I don't mean to interrupt, but it wasn't that your team ups were ineffective. In fact, Izuku was able to predict them." Yamada interjected, taking out a piece of paper that he had stuffed in his pocket. In Midoriya's neat yet messy handwritting, they were able to make out some words, and apparently, Midoriya had thought of way more combinations than they had.

"Kuroiro, Tokoyami, increased range from Dark Shadow, travel through black or shadows, surprise attack."

"Uraraka, Yanagi, weight limit for control, zero gravity negates weakness, unlimited control. No mass, strong force overpowers quirk."

"Yaoyorozu Creation, limited by lipids. Kodai increases size, can make more. Moving parts, welding quirk. Work with Uraraka and Yanagi for remote detonation/ attacks?"

"Iida, speed Twin Impact. Higher speed equals more force. Increased impact."

"Shoda and Kuroiri Tokoyami? Increased speed Twin Impact? Kuroiri seems faster in darkness."

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