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Shinsou sprawled out on the bed, blinking groggily at the ceiling. He flipped over, pulling the blanket over his head, accidentally burying his face into the sheets.

It's so soft -

His eyes shot open in confusion.

Why is it so comfortable?

Wasn't he chained up?

Wasn't it dark?

Shinsou scrambled up in alarm.

Where am I?!

He checked his hands.

Why can I see?

Why is it so warm?

Where are the chains?!

He gulped in alarm. He unconsciously brought his hands up to head, curling in on himself. He was completely and utterly confused.

Izu saved me. He came... right? He -

The missing memories came to him, and clicked into place.

Izu came.

He got hurt because of me.

We got out... right?

WhY wAs THerE sO mUCh BloOD!?

A beeping sound slowly edged its way into his thoughts, and Shinsou looked up, trying to find the source of the sound. He whirled around, facing another bed with a familiar figure lying on it -

"Izu!" Shinsou yelled, leaping off the bed, before he was caught midair by something. He panicked, and started thrashing wildly.

"Hey! Calm down!"

He felt arms under his arms, and he was turned around, facing a man with long black hair, a grey scarf, and donned a black jumpsuit.

The man looked familiar.

Izu drew him before.

Eraser Head.

Izu said he was good.

But his heart was racing. His thoughts were all over the place.

"It's fine. I'm not gonna hurt you. Calm down."

Aizawa crouched down, placing Shinsou on the ground, and moving his hands to the child's shoulders.

Damn. Why is he so god damned skinny!?

"You're safe, alright. Take deep breaths. Close your eyes."

Shinsou tried to will himself to follow the instructions. But every time he did so, all he could see was Midoriya's hollow expression, his older brother chained up, the only person who ever cared about and loved him getting maimed to protect him.

I don't want to see it. I don't want to. I don't, I don't, I don't I don't I don't -

His heart raced, and his eyes snapped open. Shinsou stumbled backwards, yanking himself out of Aizawa's grip, and wrapped his arms around himself, trying to will his nausea down.

"You... okay...?" Aizawa was starting to panic internally. He reached out to comfort the boy, but at the contact, Shinsou reeled away from him, backing away, and whirled around with a wild expression in his eyes as his back made contact with the leg of his bed. His panic increased by tenfold as he was swept off his feet, until he laid his eyes on the familiar fluffy haired boy that was lying on the bed that was next to the one he had bumped into, out of the corner of his eye.

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