True Loves Kiss

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Note: Pls read Devil is my Mother and then The Cloak before you read this... the 3rd installment.


The sweat glistened off the bunched muscles of his back. I felt my own clench in anticipation of his next move. It was a power struggle clear and pointless for everyone there knew its outcome as well as I did.

The battle cry did it. Wrenched my attention back to the two half dress warriors straining for dominance. I found myself straining along with the would be winner. I wondered only why it was taking him this long to throw his opponent. A quick glance at his beautiful face told the tale. He was toying with him.

I frowned.

What was the sport in that?

I stared more intently at his sweat drenched profile as saw a different story. A more complex tale. I saw rage. Barely briddled and extreme potent. I shuddered in horror. Surely that poor man was not the cause for such violence.

Again I let my eyes drift over his lovely profile. The sweat dripped off his straight nose, his brows forming a deep furrow in his forehead. Then he lifted his gaze to stare searchingly at a spot near where I stood.

I saw it then ... that expression in his deep blue eyes... In a blink his eyes flickered then swung to mine.

I trembled with the awareness that he inspired. His hold on his victim laxed but his hold on me didn't. I welcomed the interruption of the fist closing in on his jaw. It broke our eye contact setting me free. Free enough to realise that he shouldn't have seen me.

I was not here.

I was back in the cold damp cave holding onto a feather from his massive wings. But somehow he saw me. I knew he saw me here amongst his own kind. Within the very gates of heaven the daughter of the devil lurked spying on her lover.

I would have laughed at the irony of it all only I couldn't. I could only run.

I saw him recover from that punch and grappled impatiently with his opponent. With little effort my warrior tossed him aside like the broken twig he should be. Nevermind the bunched muscles that he too spotted.

Then he was pushing past his well wishers coming towards me. A name sprang loose from his lips. A whisper in the wind like a lover's kiss, my name rang out clear for all to hear.


All eyes sprang to wear I stood. Yet I knew they could not see me. Just as I knew he could not have me.

I waited... waited till that final moment when he had drawn near enough to my presence close enough to me so that I could brush my cold translucent lips tp his lush hot heat.

And then I was gone.

Back into my body then mistying away from the caves.

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