(2) Waffles and Pancakes War II!

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((Vanilla is @Vanilla_The_Random. She's SOOO funny, go check out her books!))

Aaaannnddddd we're back with part two! When we last left off, the Waffles were about to get the Pancakes' flag! Lets get started, shall we?


Miyu: *lunges to Waffles* NOOOOO!!! *everything turns Into slow-motion*

Raven: *turns to Miyu in slow-motion* wwwwhhhaaaaa...?!

Jessica: *gasps in slow-motion* aaahhhhhhgggg...!

Copperhead: *blinks in slow-motion* mmmmeerrrpppppp...!


Slendy: err... your other OC's are here...

Miyu: *falls onto ground with a loud THUMP* I'm okay! *thumbs up*

Miyu: *gets up and brushes 'dust' off* great! Let them in!

Kim: *skips in* OOOH! Cool! What's going on in here?! \(^w^\)

Reggie: *walks in* I believe a war is happening (ō.ō)

Michael: *also walks in* hmmm? World War III? (ÔoÔ)

Tomato: *trots in... trots...? Yeah, trots* well, not really a WORLD War-

Kioshi: *runs in and hides behind Miyu* I'm scared!!! The tall guy scared me!!! \(QAQ\) ~~~

Miyu: *gasps* Slendy!!! What did you do to poor Kioshi?!?! <(ò0ó)>

((A/N: I accidentally put 'poop Kioshi' XD XD))

Slendy: but... I only wanted his opinion on my cookies... *holds tray with cookies that have blood, organs, and creepy smiles made with chocolate chips*

Karla: wrong cookies *pushes Slendy out* ('-.-)

Vanilla: ANYways...

Miyu: GUYS/GALS!!! What teams are you going to be on?!


Jessica: err... th-there's only waffles and pancakes...

Kim: *pouts* fine then, PANCAKES!! 3:

Reggie: *walks over to his sister* ...

Toby: I'm guessing that means pancakes


Michael: I'll go for Waffles, also

Vanilla (I keep typing Vannilla -.-): PANCAKES!!! *dances*

Kioshi: err... w-waffles?

Miyu: aaawwwww! *pushes Jessica and Kioshi together* you guys and gals are like twins, only Jessica is brave, and Kioshi is scared of everything!

Jessica and Kioshi: ...umm (;;^_^)(◎_◎;)

Miyu: *can't stop fangirling* \(♡▽♡)/ SHIP SHIP SHIP SHIP SHI-

Copperhead: *slaps Miyu with a waffle* dude!!

Miyu: ehh?

Jenny: *gasps and points to the waffle, which is still touching Miyu's cheek*

Everybody: *runs to their camp*


Toby: *cries like Italy from Hetalia* we almost got their flag... (;~;)


Karla: awww... we were sooo close!

((A/N: I put 'we were sooo scolded!' XD XD WHAT IS UP WITH ME?!?!))

Kioshi: ... ;-;

Raven: we would of...

Copperhead: true. If *points to Slendy through a window* HE didn't come!

Slendy: *in le kitchen* hmm, hmm, hmm... bakin' cookies! La la la!

Faint voice in ze distance: shoot!!

BOOM!! Millions of pancakes get shot from a cannon into the Waffles base.

Toby: DUCK!!! *runs for his life*

Caesar: quack! :3 *gets slapped with a waffle* :'(

Copperhead: baka -.-

Raven: nu, c'mon Waffles, WE HAZ TO FIGHT BACK!!!

Waffles: okay! :3 *magically get armor and waffle-type weapons* RAAHHH!!! *charges to Pancake's base* (/>w<)7

Except Kioshi was more liek dis:

Kioshi: *hops to the base* yyaayyyy... \( ó.ò)7

Michael: *'stabs' Miyu with a waffle sword*

Miyu: *gasp!* h-how could... you?! I *wheeze* crea... ted you... AND DIS IS HOW U TREAT ME?!?! *cough cough* tell my iPod... that I luv him... *'dies'* x~x

(( I guess I'm le first to die XD XD))

Vanilla: NUUUU!!! I WILL AVENGE UR DEATH, MIYU!!! *'stabs' Michael with pancake-type sword* hah!!

Michael: *le 'dead'* x0x

Kim: *sees Michael 'dead'* ERMAHGERD!!! 0o0 REGGIE, LETS HELP HIM!!

Reggie: he's already gone, there's nothing you can do about it... *fake sad face* ;-; ((in the inside: XD XD XD))

Kim: okey, then ^w^ *skips away to 'murder' some people*

Reggie: *looks around* le coast is clear... *kicks Michaels body* >:3 I've always wanted to do dat...

Toby: *sees Reggie* o_e

Reggie: you saw nothin' >:I

Toby: *takes step back and nods* okay, okay! Yes, master!! *runs away* O_O

Reggie: ...? Eh *runs to 'kill' more peeps*

Raven and Copperhead: *manage to 'kill' Reggie* >:) not so tough now, are ya?

Reggie: -.- *'dies'* x^x

Tomato: *accidentally 'kills' Kioshi and 'kills' himself to avenge his death* x-x

Karla and Toby: *somehow 'kill' each other* wow... -_- *'dies'* x_x

Caesar: THIS IS FOR SLAPPING ME WITH A WAFFLE!!! *'stabs' Copperhead*

Copperhead: *slaps him with a waffle* baka!! I'm on your team!!


Copperhead: BAKA!!! *'dies'*

((I'm starting to ship Caesar and Copperhead... hehe?))

Kim: *suddenly kills everyone (who is still alive)* NEVER underestimate the powah of BROWNIES *eats brownie*

Slendy: *walks in to see everybody's 'dead' bodies* so, waffles or pancakes?


Slendy: ... *walks out*

Kim: err... now what? ... .-.


Hey! Betcha weren't expecting DAT!! XD XD NOW THAT'S ll.WHAT I CALL A PLOT TWIST...!

Okay, okay, I know, it was horrible...

But whatever!! I had fun XD XD


I have the Dora theme song stuck in my head...

Anyways, BAII!!~

Italy: *pops put of nowhere* Ve~! ^w^

Germany: *appears next to him* Italy!! Get back to training!!!

Miyu: no, wait-!!

Both: *disappears*

Miyu: ... I wanted to hug Italy...

BAII PEEPS (this time for real)

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