3: Clint

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The photo above is Jeremy Renner in a suit, you're welcome. It is also what Clint is wearing in the majority of this chapter. Enjoy!

I had known Logan for less than forty-eight hours and I could already assure you that she was horribly annoying. I had never in my life met someone as annoying as Logan and that was saying something. Considering, I had been in the same room as Tony Stark, Steve Rogers and Thor all bickering at each other about some random earth term.

The arguments back when I was with the Avengers usually occurred because of one reason. Tony makes a comment, Steve is too old to understand and Thor is too alien to understand. Then nearly four hours of debating the said topic follows afterwards. I adore being unable to really hear in those moments and usually ended up slipping off my hearing aids and ignoring the crap out of them. Which I was currently doing with Logan.

According to her lips, she was muttering something about why we were still in Vegas and what was to come. Frankly, I didn't care. I already explained that I wasn't leaving the states under any circumstances and that Logan would just have to deal with it. I was going to return to SHIELD, assure them I was alive and maybe live out the rest of my days in the witness protection program. Then I'd be able to actually relax and not have an angry 28 yr. old yelling at me all the time.

"Clint?! Are you even listening? I can see that you're not wearing any hearing aids," she shouted, in my ear, and I cursed before stuffing the aids back in.

Whelp, there goes that escape hatch.

"I heard it all," I assured and gave her a grin that she of course frowned at.

"Really? Then you're aware of the fact that I've been hired to kill an illegal mutant child dealer who's staying in this hotel. One that is setting up an auction at the MGM and is going to sell nearly 400 kids to the highest bidder."

I gave her a blank stare and she rolled her eyes, sighing as she did so. Logan wandered over to the couch and took a seat, covering her head with her hands. I was about to roll my eyes at the overreaction when the girl actually started crying. I walked over and sat beside her, putting an awkward hand on her shoulder.

"Are you okay?" I inquired, actually concerned now that I was aware of the fact that she could cry.

"No. Everything is just too much. From Baron to this stupid freak that I have to take down. Those kids are being treated like trash and it's all because they have powers. I have powers, that could've been me."

Logan let out a deep sigh while I tried to give her some sort of comfort. To my surprise, she actually wrapped her arms around my side and leaned her head against my collarbone.

"I can help," I assured and Logan scoffed. "I've done something like this in the past and might be able to brainstorm a plan that might just be crazy enough to work."

"Are you suggesting we dress up like bidders and take it down from the inside?" she inquired and I sighed, wondering how she possibly could've guessed it.

"How'd you know?"

"I too have watched one too many spy thrillers in my lifetime. I might've grown up in a facility full of criminals but they at least let us watch movies. Those ones were always a personal favourite." I laughed knowing I did the same when Logan sat up abruptly and grinned at me. "Though, that might just work. With a little tweaking I think we can do it. As long as you'll for sure help me?"

I nodded, assuring her that I was for sure on board.

"Save a couple dozen kids, take down a crackpot, kick some ass. What's not to love?" I inquired and Logan laughed.

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