23: Logan

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This is our biggest difference between the movie and the fanfic, the fact that Scott only spent 1 year in the Quantum Realm rather than 5. The significance will be explained later on. Please enjoy and also enjoy the first real Logan gif located at the top!

1 Year After the Snap

San Francisco, California

A year after the so called Vanishing that wiped out half of humanity and it was safe to say that most people had moved on. I was one of the people that moved on and was quite enjoying my new life in San Francisco. I had managed to contact the division of SHIELD located in the city and they informed me that Clint hadn't checked in so it was obvious he had been Vanished. That was a sad day but I managed to get over it and worked as a temp agent for the division since I was in no rush to return home. The kids were likely gone as well since I got SHIELD to send a drone to Iowa and check and it came back with no heat signatures. The farm was empty and I was not in any hurry to lock myself up in a deserted farmhouse for the rest of the time.

So I stayed in California and embraced the sun and beauty of San Francisco. My life had turned into the same old routine but I didn't mind and actually enjoyed my daily walk to the memorial downtown. There was a large park right near the Golden Gate Bridge that had been transformed into a memorial sight for the Vanished. About two weeks after the event, I got a letter in the mail at my rental home asking if I wanted to include any names. I added Clint, Hannah, Oliver and even Leo to the list and made it my goal to see them at least once a day. It was also a good reason to stretch my legs and I was nearing the memorial when something off caught my eye.

Well...someone off.

"No way...it can't be," I muttered and moved a little closer to in order to make sure I wasn't seeing things.

But it looked as though my previous suspicions were correct and Scott Lang was in fact running around the memorial. The guy looked frantic and almost like he'd been living under a rock for the past year.

"No. Please. Please, please," Scott muttered as his eyes raked over the engraved monolith. "No, no, no. No. Excuse me, sorry. No, Cassie, no."

I rolled my eyes and stepped forward before Scott could shove another young couple out of his way. I grabbed the guys shoulder and spun him around so he was looking right at me.

"Oh my god...Scott? Scott Lang?" I inquired just to make sure that he wasn't in fact some scarily impressive twin.

Scott stared at me in shock before nearly breaking down and wrapping me in a very tight hug. I held the guy as he let out a sob of relief at the fact that he had ran into someone he knew.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Scott inquired and I dragged him over to a bench before I explained everything.

"I come here every so often, pay my respects to those that went missing, Vanished as they're calling it. Where have you been?" I asked and Scott raised a brow at the word vanished.

He shook his head of his confusion and let out a sigh before rubbing a hand on the back of his neck.


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