21: Logan/Clint

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This one is like 90% Logan and 10% Clint, I just really wanted to start with that first scene in Endgame in this chapter. Endgame does start in this one and it will be different than the MCU Canon one in a few spots. Those will be explained as they come along. For now, enjoy this catch up of what happened during house arrest and welcome to Endgame!


2 Months Later

Unlike the last time I had found myself in my current situation I was actually excited to deliver some very life changing news to Clint. We had been out of the prison for two months and didn't waste any time in settling back into our routine. Leo was of course, overly worried about the two of us but we assured him that we'd be fine and even had a plan for how to spend our two years on house arrest. Leo gave me a knowing look after that comment and left with a devilish smirk on his face. He knew what Clint and I had in mind and I could tell that he was definitely on board with the idea. Besides...the world needs more people anyways.

I grinned at the thought before grabbing one of the three sticks laid out in front of me and journeying downstairs. Hannah was in her playpen, staring at Lucky as he watched over her while Clint was in the kitchen, grilling up some pancakes. He was using a cast iron grill that I had got him for his birthday a few years back and looked happy and content. I could tell that he was just happy to get me back since he spent six months longing to be able to touch me again. The months apart were hard on both of us and on Hannah who missed us terribly. She wouldn't stop crying when we got back and asking if we'd be leaving again. It broke my heart into a million pieces but I luckily got to assure her that we wouldn't be going away anytime soon. And that she'd have someone to hang out with that wasn't a dog. I grinned at the thought and walked over to Clint before wrapping my arms around his waist. He smiled and flipped the pancakes onto a plate before spinning around in order to give me a kiss.

"Good morning, hun," Clint greeted and I smiled before giving him a deep kiss back, running my fingers through his hair. "Why so loving this morning?"

"No reason. It's cold outside and warm in here," I shot back and snuggled closer to him while he chuckled.

"The supply run will be here in a few hours and then we should be good, hopefully until around Christmas. Though we should discuss what we're getting Hannah so they can add it to the next run," Clint informed and pulled out of my arms in order to grab the maple syrup.

I grabbed my own plate of pancakes and added a healthy amount of syrup before following him over to the dining room.

"You'll have to contact SHIELD and also request a few doctors appointments for me," I informed, the stick heavy in the breast pocket of my flannel.

Clint glanced up in concern and swallowed his bite of pancake, eyes never leaving me.

"Are you ok?"

"Yeah, I'm good."

"Well...then why do you need a doctor if you're ok?" He questioned and I grinned.

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