18: Clint

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We have just hit 2,000 reads!!! Thank you so much and to celebrate, here is a new chapter. This one did not take long, believe it or not, I've just been working on other projects. Like the Sam Drake fanfic that also has 18 chapters. But I have a newfound love for this story and it should go quite swimmingly from here on out.

This chapter is the beginning of Civil War and that will lead into Endgame. We are very close to the end of the MCU portion of the book, about 9-10 chapters left. After that is Clint's conclusion, loosely based on the Matt Fraction comics, so that means Kate Bishop!!! Look forward to that!

6 Weeks Later

It was nearing the end of our two month honeymoon in Mexico and I frankly wanted to stay forever. Maybe Mexico wasn't the best choice in terms of countries but something like Hawaii or any other tropical country would be amazing. I had had enough of living on a farm in Iowa, biding my time until something, somewhere went terribly wrong. I wanted to sit on a beach every morning and take up water skiing and play golf on a course that overlooked the ocean. Do everything we were doing on the honeymoon, just everyday. Logan would likely disagree and claim that I was crazy for wanting to leave behind my family's farm but I didn't care about the farm anymore. Before Logan, the farm was home because of the fact that my parents owned it and I lived there in my younger years but now...home was with Logan and Hannah. No matter where we settled I was happy as long as I had them, so why not be happy in Hawaii?

"Why do you look like your planning something?" Logan accused as I walked over to where she was sitting on a beach chair, watching Hannah play with Lucky.

"Because I am planning something," I told her and unfolded my chair before taking a seat with a grin. "I think we should move somewhere warm. Get out of Iowa and live the rest of our days in peace and quiet. Settle down somewhere like Hawaii and actually live out those peaceful days that I mentioned back at the wedding. We deserve that...don't we?"

"I guess. I mean after all that happened with Bentley and with your brother afterwards," Logan muttered and I glared at the thought of my stupid brother.

I thought that Barney had changed and was excited to have him in my life once again. But the bastard went back to his old ways three months after the Red League incident. He ran off in the middle of night and ended up getting a good chunk of money out of my personal account. I also discovered that he had stolen the Kyoto crystal from the machine back at the League. That crystal was the only reason why he offered to join us and the guy tried to steal it two months prior. But he failed and discovered that Bentley was planning to ruin the wedding while they held him captive. He used that knowledge to his advantage and made sure that he was in the right place at the right time. The whole thing was nothing but a setup and just like back at the apartment building all those years ago.

I was pissed and made it my goal to find him but Logan managed to convince me that it wasn't worth it. Bentley's rage against her got him killed and she pointed out the fact that revenge isn't always worth it. I begrudgingly agreed and let it go but there was still a part of me that needed to find him. But that could come at a later date, for the moment I was trying to convince my wife that we needed to move to Hawaii.

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