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Well this is not Bonus 3 but it is just as exciting.....cause up there is a damn trailer. If you've seen it, cause watch it first, then below are my thoughts and what I noticed.

First off.....AAAAHHHH....I kinda wish I waited and based the ending with Clint off of that series, it probably would've been a lot of fun. Also, here are my thoughts.

Kate as Ronin. In the trailer, Clint is watching the news and he sees that apparently his alter ego has returned. He's of cause shocked cause he wants to put all that behind him and live a normal life as a retired Avenger. So he sends his family home and finds Kate Bishop behind the suit. That's a but different from the comics where she had just adopted the name not the suit but it does pull into a one off series called Hawkeye: Freefall where someone steals the Ronin'll take it.

Steve Rogers the Musical....umm what???? Can I have that please? Also, I love how it shows that the Avengers are like actual celebrities and poor Clint is still walking around completely unnoticed and forgotten, having his Tony Hawk moment alone. Tony Hawkeye if you will.

The moment where the Tracksuit Draculas show up.....oh my God!!! They put them in the show and Clint throws a molotov at them. Later on in the trailer when Kate blows up a van, the side of it reads Trust a got that right.

The car scene. The car chase scene is primarily featured in My Life as a Weapon and they are doing it good since it ties in the whole fact that Hawkeye has way too many arrows. Like the moment when Kate is like...."you got one worse than that?!" And he just looks at her like...😬

Lucky is showing up. He was sitting on a couch and based on set pics I think he's going to be Kate's dog but I don't know, he might be Clint's, they might rescue him, who knows.

There's also a very small moment that shows up for about a couple seconds and I think it might be relevant but it's still hard to tell. I took a pic.

You see that thing in his ear

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You see that thing in his ear...what is that what I think it I looking too far into I just blinded by how good his jacket me, please.

Other than that there's probably a billion Easter eggs but that's just what stood out to me and I'd love to hear your thoughts. Bonus 3 will be up soon cause it's finished, I just can't post it until I hit either 9k or around 8.9 maybe 8.85. I'm only at 8.6 so we got a ways to go. Also...thanks so much for 8.6.

As always,

Please enjoy responsibly,


A. Fink

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