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the resting state in which the body is not active and the mind is unconscious.

Third Person

They returned to the estate with hands full of ice cream, chocolate and McDonald's bags.
It was peaceful since nobody other than them were in the house. The girls made themselves comfortable in the living room, eating and watching movies until they fell asleep.

Meanwhile the two men were in a meeting with Damiano, Jodan, and Giuliano.

Jodan Terrell was a twenty year old, lightskin who was a sucker for computers. He could hack any kind of system you want him to, graduated in computer science from the MIT at age sixteen and loved to be a member of Kaden's mafia, it gave him the home he never had.

"I will not tolerate the behavior of the French!" Kaden roared.

Kaden got even more worked up during the meeting and by the end of it he was more than fuming.

They all nodded each other goodbye before parting ways, Hayes tried to calm him down a little but knew that at this point no one but the girl Kaden forced to his home could calm the storm within. And Hayes himself just wanted to have his girlfriend in his arms again.

To say they were surprised to see the girls cuddled together, surrounded by junk food and a movie playing on the television in the grand living room would be an understatement.

They turned off the tv and each picked up their women saying goodnight before each went into their room. Alessia was still dressed with the clothes she wore the whole day so Kaden took it upon himself to change her clothing.

It was a massive challenge for him to refrain himself from waking her up and taking her right then at that moment. The red lingerie set she wore as underwear did not help at all, yet the least she thought about when he urged her to come was what kind of underwear she wore and even if, she did not plan on letting him see her in next to nothing.

He prescinded from her gorgeous body and went into closet to retrieve a t-shirt for her and basketball shorts for him.
She flinched and squirmed a few times during the dressing and undressing but never awoke.

Afterwards, Kaden pulled off the comforter, laid her down again and joined her. He held her tight to his naked chest, her scent filling his nose as he bent down resting his head on the top of hers.

At some point into the night he got up to get a drink, he had slept for fifteen minutes but was awake for the rest. What he didn't expect was his best friend's girlfriend in his kitchen.

"What are you doing?" He asked scaring her half to death.

She almost spilled the water glass she had in her hand as it flew to her heart trying to calm down,
"I-I woke up and needed something to drink."

He just nodded, "Go on then."

She quickly downed the water before speaking unsurely, "you know I don't trust you and I'm sure it's also the other way around but I am genuinely asking for you to not hurt Alessia. She's a good person and she cannot be thrown in the flames for her brother's mistakes."

Kaden's face remained stony like usual,
"I believe that's none of your business, but I'll tell you I am not going to hurt her on purpose that is."

She shook her head hoping that it was true, "I hope so, for her sake."


"Yeah," Winter answered as Hayes strolled in tiredly.

He wrapped his arms around his girlfriend but before something could be interrogated she informed her boyfriend that everything was alright that she just needed a water and would like to get back to bed now. His response was picking her up making her legs go around his waist and heading back to the bedroom.

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