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the system of rules which a particular country or community recognizes as regulating the actions of its members and which it may enforce by the imposition of penalties


I'm stupid. Completely and utterly stupid.

How could I let myself fall into his trap?

At the moment I was doing some self-reflecting and came to the conclusion that everything is wrong. I was smart, how did he do it? Maybe I just lacked sociality which is actually a boost to my intelligence. I was absolutely not making sense right now.

I was tired. I was tired of these dumb emotions, all I could think about was Kaden. When I study it is only a matter of time before thoughts of him resurfaced, this was not like me at all.

Sighing I closed my eyes and tried to get some sleep and after a few long minutes I did with him still hanging around in my mind.

Kehlani was more than relatable at the moment

On some nights like this, I just wanna text you, but for what?
You gon' say you want me, then go switch it up
Just gon' play with my emotions just because


I packed up my stuff and made my way out of the lecture hall sending a small smile to my professor who was grinning.

An arm slung around me and I yelped in shock, "Alessia, Alessia. Why so jumpy, huh?" Austin teased with a smirk. I hit his arm then held up my middle finger making him laugh loudly.

"So what's running today? Wanna hang out since ya' know exams are over now?"

I shrugged, "I have something to do, I'll text you later okay?"

He nodded still smiling, "sure!"

As this was the last course of my day I headed to my car -that I barely used- and went to get some food. In my classes I could hardly focus, it made me unbelievably angry, my mind would constantly wander off to him and stay there. I already admitted that I liked him but it was really time to get over it, he has that busty blonde and I, well I could start something with the waiter.

Instantly I shook that thought away, giving him my number was a mistake I hoped he wouldn't call me or out it even. What I was doing was wrong, I could not use those guys as a rebound. He was not an ex or anything but I still felt as though I would be using those guys to get over these stupid feeling for him.

That is why I talked to Austin about it, I tried to discreetly bring it into the conversation we had a few days ago. We talked about relationships and just the usual stuff and I had made it clear that at the moment I was not ready for a relationship with anyone, to which he astonishingly agreed. He wanted to live his life here at college to the fullest, it made me laugh at how dramatically described it. I was actually sure that in the end he got the hint that we were good friends.

Before I drove off campus, I called Giuliano to see if he was home and if he wanted something but he did not pick up the phone so I shrugged my shoulders to myself and started up the car. Knowing I would feel bad afterwards, I sent him quick text and if he did not reply to that then I had done my duty as a roommate and I would not feel bad.


Giuliano had not texted me back but I know he must have been busy with his job. I sat on my bed watching a random tv show on my laptop, munching on my food

I got bored quickly after so I decided to text Austin and see if he still wanted to hang out.

Yeah be there in 5

Sticking to his text, my blond friend was knocking on my door five minutes later, grinning at me widely as let him in. Sure I was taking a risk with the possibility of Giuliano bursting in any minute but I did not care. Yeah that was what I said the last three times too.

We talked and laughed about stupid shit before we settled in silence each on our own phones showing each other memes and quotes from time to time.

"So," Austin wriggled with his brows. "Where ya' roommate at?"

I shrugged and he understood it as any person would, "I don't know."

Austin was more the artsy type, I found out. He loved painting and photography as well as poetry and stuff like that. I admired him for being so open-minded and easy-going with everything for examples the day at the mall when we ran from the guys? To this day he had not questioned anything and I believe he most likely forgot which was good, for us at least.

It was soon nine pm and I was shocked at how tired I actually had been all day. Austin left with a hug goodbye and soon enough I was hitting my pillow as well as turning off my brain.

Giuliano never came back to our dorm that night.


Third Person

Kaden glanced at the other two men in front of him on the other side of his desk.

Novakov, the leader of the Russian Mob was in New York as well as Reyes, the leader of the Cubans. The three of them had now settled to ambush the French, both -Russians and Cubans- also believing that the French were becoming far too powerful and ahead of themselves.

The two foreigners wanted to take down the French, simply also for the fact that that Mafia had been founded on wrong grounds. They stole most of their ware and were sneaky enough to hide it well and neither of the three were happy.

Adresano, Reyes, and Novakov were the three dominating mobs in the whole entire world and it brought shame upon them that their members were too incompetent to guard wares, shipments, and attacks.

If the Italian -the strongest one- were to strike it would be a fight and many men would lose their lives whereas if the Russian join in, the possibility of losing would sink by a whole lot. Now if the Cubans who were ranking third, would also help it will be the end of the French.

Kaden had also thought about telling the Asians but he knew that they preferred to keep to themselves unless an ally was in deep trouble or someone had breaking the rules on their grounds. So with the three most dominant combined he thought of it as not needed, though he did talk to Park if there were any troubles caused by the French. He quickly filled him on the situation and Park agreed to provide help if needed.

In the Mafia world there were set common rules that each mob leader signed, that 'treaty' you could say forbid inter alia the theft of others' goods, the murder of a member belonging to another mob for no justified reason, and the most important information was; If anyone were to disobey the rules committed by the founders, they shall be sentenced to death for the disrespect of the coterie and their followers.

The document was ages old yet the rules and laws were never changed as no one dared to. It was always passed on to the leader of the most powerful, thus at the moment Kaden. It has been in his family for generations more than one could count on two hands and it shall stay that way.

The French have transgressed those laws of their world and like it was written by the ancestors, they have to be punished by death.

And Kaden would make sure that that happened.

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