Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

"You know what Alan you can go fvck yourself I'm going back to my brother and Mike and I'm leaving you, you heartless low life." I began to walk to the doors of the bus but I was stopped by Alan.

"Oh no you don't your staying right here" Alan said, chuckling. He grabbed the doors and locked them shut.

"Your mine Hannah."


Alan moved closer to me, his steps were loud and haunting. I backed away moving closer to the back of the bus till I was met with the couch, he continued moving closer and closer. I looked around for anything. I looked on the table, there was a steak knife, I quickly grabbed it and swung it toward him. Alan grew angrier his face turned a tint of red, he grabbed my arm, squeezing it, I winced and let go of the knife. Suddenly he pushed me to the couch, I threw him punches but it made no affect. He pushed my hair out of my face and leaned in, his breathe smelt of vodka and red bull. I looked down at the knife on the floor. He grabbed my face and yanked it so I was looking at him.

"I'm going to make you regret trying to walk out on me you b!tch," Alan snapped pinning me onto the couch.

"Nobody loves you Hannah, nobody's coming for you, you deserve everything your getting!" He yelled pinching my arms. I winced and shut my eyes.

"Fuck you." I spat.

"Oh I will Hannah, so hard your going to be sore for days." Alan said through a chuckle, but his expression was sinister and malice. I pushed him off of me and he fell to the floor I ran for the door but he once again pulled me into him. I screamed and struggle as hard as possible, but he wasn't budging.

"Hannah if you talk or struggle once more I swear to god I will make sure you and your brother and his band can't walk for days. Got it?" He said squeezing my arm harder. I nodded leaving a tear fall from my eyes. Alan threw me onto the couch and ripped my clothes off. He tried to kiss me but I bite him, suddenly he threw me a punch, my face was in total pain. He leaned over me and unbuckled his jeans, I cried harder, he pulled me toward him.

"Please stop Alan." I said through sobs, he chuckled and grabbed my hips pulling them towards him, he plunged inside of me, I screamed and cried, nobody could hear me. It was like a nightmare, I was laying on the cold hard ground for what seemed like hours, Alan's sweaty body kept violating me, I had shed so many tears that there were none left to shed. His strokes slowed down and he moves closer, pouring himself into me. He went close to my ear and whispered.

"Tell anyone and I'll kill you, got that? Your mine Hannah, all mine."


Sorry it was short and sorry that hannah maybe seemed a little weak in this, it was just for the story purpose. Thank you guys for all the lovely comments. 💗💗😍😍 and hope you guys are enjoying my book.

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