Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

"Tony get your turtle hands off of me." I said annoyed, the person started laughing, I could feel their breath on my neck. I gulped.

"Hannah you're looking nice today, usually I'd expect something more ugly." Mike. I felt uncomfortable and shaked him off but he wouldn't budge.

"I'm looking forward to spending my summer in a Bus with you Hannah" he said playing with my hair. He let go and walked off.

I'm starting to regret this.


I walked into the tour bus, admiring the varnished wooden floor. To be honest I have a deep hatred for carpets, so I was so glad I wouldn't have to live with them for 3 months.

"Hannah get over here we are doing the sleeping arrangements!" Jaime yelled from the back of the bus. I ran to the back of the bus.

"I'M HERE JAIME BABY!" Hugging my brother, messing up his hair, he pushed me off and tried to fix his hair, I started giggling, that was so worth it. He send me an angry glare.

"Your gonna regret that Hannah." I laughed harder, it's funny when he tries to act serious.

Jaime started speaking, "Ok so there are six beds, Tony and me are going to be at the bottom, Adam (Elmakias) and Vic are going to be in the middle and Hannah and Mike are going to be at the top," Mike sent me a smirk. You have to be joking me, I can't.

"Jaime please I don't want to sleep there...please let me sleep somewhere else?" I said pouting at Jaime.

"Sorry Hannah, you shouldn't have ruined my hair," Jaime said before he proceeded to walk to the small fridge on the bus. I should have never have messed his hair, because now I have to be with...Mike.

I went up to my bunk, climbing from the bottom to the middle till I got to the top. I heard a wolf whistle, I looked down and Mike was looking up at my butt.

"GO AWAY MIKE!" I yelled at him, he just laughing, effortlessly climbing into my bunk. I tried to push him out but he wouldn't budge. I gave up and just ended up laying down against the wall. His eyes pierced mine.

"I've always wondered what it would be like to be in a bunk with Jaime's sister, although I pictured it with less clothing involved," I tensed. He moved closer and closer making his way towards me, I could feel his breathe on my skin, he quickly reached his phone that was next to me. I looked at him, I was terrified.He saw my facial expression and just laughed.

"Geez calm down Virgin Mary I was just getting my phone," he said smirking at me. I couldn't take this, I jumped out the bunk and found Tony.

"Tony I can't take this, I hate him!" I whisper-yelled into his ear, making sure there wasn't anybody listening in.

Tony signed and looked at me. He placed his hand on my shoulder and looked me in the eyes, "You know I'll always be there for you, if he continues I can help you Hannah, but remember to be strong and enjoy Warped tour for God's Sake! Remember why you came he in the first place" he finished his little speech, kissing my forehead before leaving, I heard a sound before I made my way to the kitchen part of the bus.


Thank for reading 🌸

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