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Harley's PoV:

*beep beep*
the heart monitor. it beeps every fifteen minutes to say that she's alive. it's been a week. after two weeks they won't support her anymore. they'll just let her go. she lost a lot of blood. her mom called and said just to let her go now, less of a hospital bill to pay. I wouldn't let them do that. I'll pay the damn bill if there's a chance she'll wake up next week.

Y/N's PoV:
I wake up. not really, but I wake up into a new world. everything is white and fluffy like clouds. it's the perfect temperature and the air feels clean.
I hear a voice, "y/n! over here!" I turn around and see my grandparents, beckoning me over.
"Grandma! Grandpa! I missed you so much," I hug them. "what is this place?"
"this is the entrance to the afterlife. we're here to help you make your decision." my grandma explains.
"the afterlife? what decision?" I panic a little. I don't like decisions.
my grandpa smiles softly, "the decision to join us in the afterlife, or go back to your boyfriend and friends."
"I don't know how to make that decision."
"that's why we're here to help," my grandparents walk me over to a bench.
"you can come back here later, y/n." my grandma explains. "you can go back to Harley and all your friends. you will come back to us later, when it's truly your time."
"you know about Harley?" I ask.
"yes, and we love him. we can see who he truly is, and he's perfect." my grandpa says.
"I guess I will go back. I want to stay here with you, but I'll come back later. I promise and I can't wait." I give them both big hugs.
"we will miss you, y/n. see you later." my grandma smiles and my grandpa waves.
with a start I wake up.
"hey Harley!"
"I knew you'd wake up y/n! you wake up everytime."

short chapter, but there's only one left... I kinda rushed to the ending in this one so I don't even know how to start the next chapter... my next book's preview will be out soon! love y'all <3  
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lucky girl | mrfreshasianWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt