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lowercase intended

saturday morning, I get a DM from mrfresh himself.

hey y/u/n. as you know, you've won. if you accept this, we need your full name, age, gender, and address. we're really excited to meet you!

omg yes uh my name is y/f/n y/m/n y/l/n (your first name, middle name, last name),
my age is 17, I'm a girl (it makes more sense for the story but you can use your own gender), and I live in Sydney, Australia. I love you and the click crew, I'm so happy right now.

we're excited to meet you. since we all live in Sydney, do you just want to meet us today and we can evaluate if we want you to stay with us for two weeks?

yes omg where?

*resturant of your choice*?

omg that's my favorite place! see you at 12?

sure <3

fresh. sent. me. a. heart.
what does that mean? I call up my best friend and explain everything from the contest to the heart. she tells me to wear my f/c (favorite color) crop top and flower shorts. I thank her for the advice and hang up.
I jump in the shower faster than lightning mcqueen can say 'kachow'. once I'm done I change into my pre-planned outfit and head over to restaurant to meet fresh and the crew.
I sit down on a bench outside since I'm 20 minutes early. I hear someone screaming random shit. I look up and it's lazarbeam.
I panic a little and stutter out, "H-Hey Lannan, I-I'm y/u/n."
"Oh, hey! Well what's your real name?"
"That's a really pretty name. Hey fresh. Come meet y/n," Lannan practically screams.
I see fresh emerge from behind a tree built into the sidewalk. who plants trees in the sidewalk? anyways, I see him, and he's adorable. like adorable in a baby way. he says hi and gestures towards the restaurant. we head in.
"So y/n, how long have you been a fan?" fresh asks quietly.
"Since you started playing with Lannan."
"Aye so you're a fan of me too!" Lannan says in his stupidly cute accent.
I reply, "Yep. But more of a fan of fresh."
"Ouch." Lannan says in a fake sad voice.
"Haha. Let's order." Fresh says and so we do.
we've been at the restaurant for more than 3 hours now. I can't stop laughing. fresh is so funny and of course Lannan is too. finally fresh speaks up.
"Yes?" I question.
"Go home and pack your bags for two weeks. You're great." fresh says, lowkey blushing.
"Oh my god! Really?"
"Yes, really." Lannan answers.
"O-Okay!" I stumble my words a bit due to excitement.
I get up to pay and leave, but Lannan stops me.
"I'll get it, y/n. Don't worry." he says.
"Are you sure? I don't want to make you pay for me." I look Lannan in the eyes.
He smiles, "I'm sure."
"Thank you so much."
"It's not a problem. Anything for our new guest."
as Lannan goes to pay, fresh and I head outside to wait. he's checking twitter, and I'm staring at him like a total weirdo. he's just so cute. he looks up and smiles warmly at me. my heart honestly skips a beat.
Lannan walks out and says, "Well y/n, go get packed. I'll have fresh DM you the address and we'll see you tomorrow."
"Okay. Awesome! Bye Lannan. Bye fresh."
"Bye y/n," fresh says giving me the cutest damn smile.
I walk home thinking of fresh and Lannan. I think we might be friends for quite sometime after these two weeks. I can't wait.

I'm trying y'all. love you guys (if anyone sees this)

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