Chapter 14

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"Please wake up Kakashi"

Kakashi opened her eyes and after a few moments she started to analyze her surroundings. The place she was in was dark and cold, she was laying on something wet. Shifting slightly to get a good look around her, it was pitch black.

She noted that there was black liquid for what seemed to be infinite going in all directions. Odd, even tho she was laying on top of liquid, he back side wasn't wet.

"Please wake up Kakashi"

Where was that voice coming from? Looking up Kakashi didn't know what she expected, fluffy white clouds and blues sky's, black. Sighing and putting her legs closer to her chest.

Where was she?

"Please wake up Kakashi"


Minato let out another long sigh, what did he expect? For Kakashi to just magically wake up and shake off all their worry like always. To get back up with a comeback? To start another argument with Obito? And maybe go shopping with Rin?

Straighten his back, he looked down at Kakashi again, he stood there just letting all his worries slowly get blown away with the wind. Standing here looking at his student laying in the bed.

Even tho he doesn't know what's goin on with her, she's alive, alive and breathing. But there was something in the pit of his stomach, a feeling that was just floating there. He always listened to gut, it saved him many time from serious injury and possibly death.

He couldn't really place his mind on what the feeling could be, maybe he'll decipher it later after the meeting.


The meeting that was being held today on the Hokage's office with experienced Joūnin and other high ranking officials like, the three Sannin and the ANBU general.

They are discussing about the Third War, like everybody, talking about war, death, lost loved ones. Everybody seemed sick of it, tired of the old ways the humans settled on for power over things that seemed so little.

Konoha was planning on sending a team to destroy a bridge one of their special ANBU teams found while scouting for weaknesses in Kiri's defenses. The civilians were getting tired and restless, they all wanted peace.

Tsunade let out an annoyed sigh as the Civilian Council started to voice or yell in her opinion their concerns of how so many things could go wrong and that they would lose more valuable Shinobi.  

Tsunade just wanted to leave this meeting between the higher ups, ANBU and upper Joūnin. Maybe she could use Kakashi as an excuse?

"On that matter, Tsunade" hearing her name being called by her Sensei, the medic nin lifted her head toward the Third Hokage.

"Yes Sensei?" She replied "how is Kakashi-Chan doing" he said, concern clear in his voice. Besides, who would let the child of a once powerful Shinobi die?

Tsunade's head fell flat, her honey eyes staring blankly at the wooden floors, she bit her lip before responding back "I-I don't really know what's wrong with her" she admitted

"But her vitals are fine, pulse, oxygen, everything is positive" before finishing her sentence she looked back up toward Saratobi "she's completely healthy" she said frustrated as her medic mind begin working on possible symptoms.

"Completely Healthy Tsunade you say" said the ANBU general Panther "hai, she completely healthy" Tsunade responded back.

Panther seemed to muse about the prodigy she's been hearing about "how about her mindscape" she said.

"Mind?" Tsunade said confused . Panther nodded her head, "yes Tsunade-Sama" Panther said.

"Panther explain" Hizuren said "well Hokage-Sama, i read the reports from the hospital and the TI, everybody didn't or wasn't aware of the unexpected attacks on the base" she paused letting everybody gather it in their heads "when I got to the Hatake's teammates, they said that Kakashi was still knocked out from the explosion and that these men in black cloaks attacked the base, her female teammate said that they looked like they had a goal" Panther finished her explanation.

"So you're saying Panther, is that these men 'in black cloaks' attacked us, but for the Hatake?" One of the Joūnins said summarizing her idea.

Panther just nodded her head. Hizuren sat down behind his desk, he hummed.

"What is it Sensei?" Jiraiya asked, now making his presence known "the Hatake do have different chakra then us" he said

"Chakra" Tsunade said breathlessly

"How did I not think of that"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2019 ⏰

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