Chapter 5

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A man with bright yellow hair was walking down the road thru the market place toward the hokage's tower. His bright blue eyes scanning the surrounding area of the market place in Konoha, people were bustling around looking for ingredients for lunch and dinner.

His team was just called up from the hokage to go on a simple 2nd line mission to deliver some supplies and provide support mission, but, something made his stomach turn and his hairs on the back of his neck stand up.

He noticed the last couple days, that he was being watched. Well not specifically him, more like one of his students. He felt eyes drill into him during training, or eating out with his team, and even at home.

He narrowed down his students on who might be the one the people are watching:

His medical student Rin: she's not talented in medical but not terrible in it either, her ninjitsu is expected of genin, her Genjutsu was close to chunin, and her Taijutsu was low genin. But her main strength is the knowledge of the human body, but she's hates the thought of taking someone's life.

Maybe their planning on taking out the medics in the village to cause panic?

His Uchiha student Obito: he's not talented Minato will admit, but he does have some potential. His chakra reserves at larger then normal genin, his Taijutsu is close to chunin. But he does lack the control of his chakra, and the patients.

Maybe they want his eyes? He does belong to the Uchiha Clan but, he hasn't unlocked his Sharingan yet.

His genius student Kakashi: What to say? She's a genius. Her chakra reserves are close to jounin, her ninjitsu is low jounin, her Genjutsu is mid chunin, and her Taijutsu is also low jounin. And as a kunoichi she also has mid chunin medical knowledge. Her greatest strength's is her ability to come up with a plan in the amidst of battle, and her knowledge warehouse. But her ties to the White Fang make her known.

Minato let out a grunt as he ran down the information and data he collected. He already knew who their target was, but, he had to be sure if it.

As the blond man walked up the stairs to the Third's office he noticed Rin was sitting on the chair's outside, stopping and giving the girl a wave which she returned with a smile.

He walked to the window and leaned on the wall behind him and looked outside to the village below him. Now all the man had to do was wait for his other two students to come.

Which will be until noon.


A boy with jet-black hair was laying in his bed, snoring and dreaming of the day he'll ask his crush out.

And the day he'll unlock his Sharingan, surpassing his rival.

The day his clan will acknowledge him, and the day he is made hokage, with Rin standing by his side.

The day, when he becomes hero, and making peace in the world.

"Obito, your gonna be late for your mission dear!"

The boy's eyes snap open and jumps out of his disheveled bed, ughhh the boy groans out as he quickly puts on his clothes.

He still has a lot of work to do, but he will make it.

Kakashi checked out her two flowers that she picked and exited the flower shop to go head to the graveyard.

She clenched the flowers in her hands as she got closer to the graveyard, the place where people go after they die. The graveyard gates came into view as she begins to sweat, what was she gonna tell her father.

she stopped at were her fathers grave was supposed to be, well, what's left of it anyways. The young girl looked at the graffiti-covered grave that had the words written on it:




She felt her eyes begin to sting, they begin to water and burn the more she held it in, what was she supposed to tell him about mom? that she was dead? gone, no longer here? Tears were starting to become harder to hold in, they became heavier while she looked at the beaten and neglected grave that held her father's dead, cold body.

weren't graveyards supposed to bring peace to the ones who move from this world? Make them feel warm and know that their body is kept safe in their village? The young silver-haired girl let her tears fall, bringing her instant relief now that her emotions are getting let out.

Kakashi's legs feel weak, her chest is heaving up and down as she lets out soft quiet sobs for her deceased father, for her missing mother. Her legs give out as she falls to her knees, her arms going falling to the ground in front of her. she puts her head in between her arms, her head hanging low as more tears steadily flow down her cheeks onto her arm guards, she continues to quietly sob to herself. letting the dead hear her beat and broken heart that she so tightly wrapped around in fake shinobi rules that she doesn't believe in.

After crying to herself and her father for 15 minutes, letting her emotions she held on to, go. Kakashi left the graveyard to go head to the village gate for a mission the third assigned for her and their team, leaving the question thats been eating at her slowly. What should she tell her dad?

That her mother left the village? She dead? She's gone!?no, Kakashi was gonna bring her mother back, safe, and they can visit their dad and husbands grave. Determination flashing in her eyes at her new goal in life.

She is gonna bring back her missing mother, dead or alive.

She is gonna bring back her missing mother, dead or alive

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