Chapter 13

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Kakashi was still knocked out ever since team 7 got back from Suna, nurses and Tsunade are trying everything they can do to make sure she didn't fall into a coma. A meeting is being held on the Third War, their plan to destroy a bridge where their spy's have found in rock country.

Their plan to blow it up so supplies could not make it to their destination. They plan on sending team 3, chunin who have been on the battlefield twice. And their sensei.


In the Namikaze & Uzumaki household, three people were sipping tea, waiting for someone to speak. The quietness in the medium sized apartment was tense and suffocating. The three jounin, every once and a while...would glance at each other while taking a quiet sip, trying not to disturb the to awkward silence.

Jiraiya looked at the two adults sitting opposite of him, Kushina and Minato. He only came here to ask Minato about Kakashi, Kushina probably didn't know much.

Clearing his throat caught their attention who were before fidgeting with their tea cups. Tapping his cup once with his index finger "What happened to Kakashi-Chan when you guys arrived in the village Minato?" Jiraiya asked.

Kushina looked at her boyfriend, also wanting an explanation on the matter of why Kakashi was in the hospital. While Minato just continued to look into his tea cup as he swished it slightly, looking into it as it made small circular waves.

Clearing his throat and swallowing to moist his dry throat, even tho he had a cup of hot tea in his hands "well, she just fainted" Minato stated as he took a long sip of tea. While Jiraiya just stared at his blond student eyes wide from that one shirt sentence that left him speechless. Even Kushina gave her boyfriend a dumb stare. That was all he had to say?

After taking a sip and glancing at Minato, Jiraiya dropped the matter. It was pointless even the most serious things had simple answers.

Minato didn't know what to do, he was the yellow flash! The man sighed as he walked to the hospital, he was just worried for his prodigy student .

After minutes of walking, the sunshine man had arrived at the hospital as the building came into view. Walking in and going up the stairs to his little silver-haired student.

The bland room was the same, like nobody ever visited the room. The heart monitor was still the same going up and down like a roller coaster. Her breathing never changed that's good.

As Minato examined the room, he noted that the curtains were pulled open with the window down. He also noted that several of the cords were out of Kakashi's arm.

Walking in and sliding the door shut, Minato walked in besides Kakashi's bed. It was quiet and peaceful in the room with the wind coming in through the window flowing through Minato's golden locks. Outside the gates they are fighting a war, in this room the jounin is fighting, in the bed a chuunin is fighting to wake up. His hand tightened, knuckles turning white "come on Kakashi, wake up" he muttered under his breath, the wind carries those five words outside toward the door.

"You need to wake up, for us. I know your in there Kakashi...just, wake up, please"

Im so sorry, school started and I'm having a really bad writers block. Like reeealllly bad one. Completely out of ideas to start/finish it off.🥺😭

But I hope you enjoy this little chapter, I will try my best to get the next chapters up.
(Please send help for ideas,maybe give me some)

This chapter made no sense at all, maybe I'll rewrite it but idk


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