Chapter 11

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Darkness as always been my friend, at night, me alone in the room with my monsters that haunt me. I've learned to endure the darkness by myself, the darkness that screams words at you. Never want you to experience true loneliness, to be left alone to your thoughts.

But now... it's just me sinking lower and lower into the dark void... 

Just me in this soundless realm, not hearing any voices that scream in my head:

You're useless

not trying hard enough

nobody cares, your invisible in their dark emotionless eyes






lower...into the void, all alone to be left with my...



Tsunade watched as the White Fangs child chest rose and fell at a steady pace. The medic didn't know but her Shinobi instincts were screaming at her, tingling they're in her chest wanting to be acknowledged, but, the Sannin ignored it.

It's just me being paranoid

Yea, she dealt with many cases of kids who were on the brink of death, Shinobi who were injured worse than this. Kakashi just fainted of exhaustion from healing so many injured people and going on a long journey back to Konoha.

 "She crouched in pain Tsunade! and there was a complete pain in her eyes!!!"  came the cry of  the usual sunshine blond

The thought came back at full force just as she stepped out of the room, her anxiety picking up again. Turning back into the room, she was standing by Kakashi watching her breath fog up the breathing mask that was on her pale face. Her honey-colored eyes watch that chest rise up and down again underneath the white sheets that match the color of her hair and the color of her skin. 

Once the silver-haired girl breathes in, the fog would disappear revealing her plump lips and a small faint beauty mark on the right side of her mouth. Her porcelain skin, her coal-black eyes that have a little blue tint to it, plump lips, silver hair. She looks just like Kira.

People would say she looks just like Sakumo but that's with the mask on, Only taking on his black eyes that the only way to see the pupil is to shine a flashlight at it and his attitude to be sarcastic and smart. Her mother, Kira had silver hair but bright blue eyes that seemed to shine like glittering clear water on a warm sunny day and a very stubborn attitude. With the mask on, Sakumo. Mask off, Kira.

The women let out a breath she didn't know she was holding But what is this feeling?. Checking her temperature Regular her pulse Regular the girl seems fine but, She'll check after the meeting.  The brat is most likely panicking in his spot right now. 


Obito was shifting his weight onto each foot as he walked to the ramen shop, glancing in every direction, sweat was on his forehead. It wasn't because Rin was beside him holding his arm into hers. At other glances, it would look like a new fresh couple ripe after telling each other their feelings. But, no Rin was the same, sweat on her forehead but her chocolate eyes were focused on the ground in front of her.

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