Chapter 8

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It Begins! im really lazy but im trying, excuse my bad writing

As Team Minato walked down a path toward the back lines, everybody was tense, Rin and Obito made small talk while Minato surveyed the area around them and kakashi was lost in her mind Why would they want her and Minato-Sensei?

That question was always floating around in her head, when she tried to focus on the mission, it would come back and take all of her focus.

After almost and hour of running at chunin speed, they finally made it to the main base at Suna. Just then a couple explosions were set off in the distance about 8 miles from here. Minato looked where the explosions were just seen then he looked at his students "You guys know the plan?" he asked looking at his students who were also looking in the same direction as him. After getting a "hai" from his students, Minato made his way toward the front lines, leaving behind his students, and worry for kakashi.


Kakashi watched her sensei leave toward the front lines with more troops as backup for Suna, the silver-haired girl let out a dry sigh and turned toward her teammates "Well?" she asked and they looked at her, confusion clear in their eyes. Her eyebrow twitched "well didn't Sensei tell you guys what we have to do?" still, confusion was in their eyes.

Her head tilted back and she groaned into her hands that rubbed her face, keeping her from yelling at her teammates. After a few minutes of getting her act together, she gathered her will and looked at her teammates, they still had confusion on their faces. The silver-haired girl slapped herself and then shaking her head before saying "we are so screwed"

Her teammates were, still lost.

Just then, one of the commanders called them into the tent "Team Minato, we got a mission for you"

A single rain drop fell onto kakashi's cheek, she wiped it off and looked at it before wiping it off on her pants and going into the tent as it started to poor.

A lighting strikes in the distance, just as another cloaked figure appears from the shadows, before disappearing back into the darkness.

Minato dodged a kunai that was well aimed and coordinated for his throat. He backflips away again as a giant water dragon formed before him and crashed into the bloody torn battlefield, injuring a few Shinobi.

He grimaced, they only have a few troops that came here for backup, other places needed it to but, suna needed it the most.

20 kunai came out of nowhere aimed for him again, he took out one of his special kunai and blocked them all with ease only a little of a slight trouble toward the end, but he didn't show it.

One man came out of the shadows of the forest wearing a full black kimono with a hood that covered half of his face showing his dangerous grin, aimed for the Yellow Flash.

Minato got into a fighting stance and lifted his kunai, signaling he was ready to fight. While the man's grin stretched more, more evil, more dangerous, more powerful. The all black man was not moving, just standing still how strong is this man if he doesn't react to the Yellow Flash!?

Minato narrowed his deep blue eyes at the man, how strong is he, all of a sudden the man was moving toward him at a amazing speed. He took a step forward, ignoring the sound of kunai and sword's clashing together just beside him, he took another step, soon, he was running toward the man.

They both met with kunai clashing together creating sparks as they tried to overpower each other. When they were getting nowhere they both jumped away from each other, looking at the person opposite of them, waiting for their next move.

A chill wind moved past the two men carrying the smell of copper and burned flesh that ruffled golden bright hair and a black hoodie at the same time. Both men, were still standing still, as if they moved, a predator would see them and pounce on them, killing them.

An explosion set off close to them shaking the ground, dirt and wood flew in all directions from the force of the explosive.

One metal ring was flying threw the air, when gravity worked its magic, the metal shiny ring came falling down, back toward the battlefield where the owner of the ring died.

The two men were still staring at each other, unaware of the ring falling toward the ground in the middle of them.


A wind came again


Another explosion in the distance


More blood and screams fill the air around the men


A twitch of a finger on a kunai


A single rain drop fell and touched the ground near the owner of the ring


The ring fell to the ground with no noise, as another raindrop fell onto the silver ring, with a little door open to reveal a women... holding a child.

Both men move toward each other at the silent start the ring made, both clashing together once again, creating more sparks around them.

Both men fought to over power each other. Deep intense blue eyes never meet any other eyes, but is instead seeing black cloth.

The black cloaked man said in a low threatening whisper "you won't win Yellow Flash" then the man grinned, showing a fang toward the S-Ranked ninja, then kicking the blond in the gut, pushing the male a few feet away from him.

Minato held onto his stomach where the man kicked him, he lifted his head and looked at the man in front of him and said with venom leaking thru it "I won't let you win your gonna lose"

But instead of getting scared at the blond man, the cloaked man laughed with now humor, showing another pair of white glistening fangs as he grinned at the blond man "oh Yellow Flash, I've already won" was all the man said before giving another dangerous grin.

Minato frowned and narrowed his eyes at the man. He stood back on his feet, hand still clutching his stomach, dirt and a few water droplets on his face and shoulders. He got another special kunai from his pouch,and got into a fighting stance once again, with kunai in front of him, and legs apart from each other.

The man across from him did the same, it seemed like eternity but it was actually a second, before they clashed again in the pouring rain and sparks once again fly around them. A lightning strikes in the distance.

It was a fight to the death.

What you'd think!? A good way to start the juicy part right!!! I'm proud of this chapter >w<

And happy 20 minute late Fourth of July!!!

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