Task Six: The Semi Finals - Warriors - Janvier Niabi Lovelace [8]

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It is chaos.

Sheer and utter chaos has erupted on the battlefield, between four races who cannot find it within themselves to fight for peace. So much blood has already been shed tonight, I can smell it in the air as we watch the insanity happening below us. These are the monsters I have feared my entire life. This is what I've always been afraid of.

"Should we stop it?" Jasminä whispers through the darkness. I can hear the hollow sadness in her voice, the fear that comes from what we're seeing and the disgust of the evilness of our races. They are monsters and they know it.

"How can we? What can we possibly do to stop it?" My voice is shaking and I can feel vomit rising up in the back of my throat. I can't look, I can't watch this. Tears have sprung into my eyes and I wipe them away. I'm a traitor, I'm not allowed to be saddened by this. I'm not allowed to cry for the people I left behind.

"This is madness..." I'm curling up on myself when Constantina speaks for the first time in a while, trying to hold back the sobs that are attempting to tear themselves out of my chest. When did I become such a crybaby? When did I decide that tears are better than being strong?

The werewolves and their allies are falling, dropping like flies. I mourn the loss of my people, I feel their spirits leave the world and they run by me on ghostly paws. I wish to follow them. I wish I was able to follow them. I'm not afraid to follow anymore, not anymore. When the end comes for me I will embrace it and run with the ghosts, if they allow me to leave. But for now I will rest above the battle and cry for the ghostly wolves that pass me.

All my life I have just wanted to be free. I could've been free, if I wasn't a traitor. If I wasn't watching my people die in endless battle instead of fighting with them like I should be. My husband will be ashamed of me, he will kill me when he learns what I have done. I am a traitor. I am, and always will be, a monster. This burden came to me and it's made it's home inside. I will always be a traitor, it has poisoned the wolf inside of me. I disgust myself.

I am a monster and someday it will catch up with me, once I'm done watching my people be slaughtered.

We are cowards, all of us.

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