Chapter 17 (EDITED)

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Grayson's P.O.V

I'm jolted awake from going over a bump in the road, wait, Bump in the road? I open my eyes to find that I am in a car.  I move around to see that I have my hands bound by a rope. I scope out my surroundings to see that I am being driven somewhere.  I try and pull my hands apart from the rope but fail. I struggle shading the seat.  Someone from the front seat starts laughing at my attempts to break free; my head shoots up to see who's laughing.  "That's not gonna work, dumbass," he laughs. I reach up and rip the duct tape off my lips.  "Jayden!" I scream, anger flowing through me.   "Where the fuck are you taking me?" He smirks at me, and I look around again. My eyes widen in the realization that he could've done something to Y/N or is right now.  I slam my hands against the bars separating us.  

"Where is Y/N? If you hurt a fucking hair on her head, I will SLAUGHTER YOU!"  I scream at him while shaking the bars in anger, He's laughing in my face right now, and I want to kill him so fucking bad right now.  "MY Princess is sleeping fine in your bed, she doesn't know your gone, but I might fetch for her later," he smirks again. My knuckles are turning white from squeezing my hands.  "She's my Queen, my baby girl," I spit at him. "You won't fucking touch her; you have me, you don't need her," I yell in his face. I calm down a bit before sitting back in my seat, thinking about my beautiful baby girl and how I hope she'll be okay with me going, but I don't know how I'm gonna last without her next to me. 

Y/N's P.O.V

I wake up and smile at the memories of last night, but I wake up feeling colder than I normally am, maybe because I'm naked.  I giggle to myself before turning over, expecting to see the handsome face and hot six-pack of the love of my life, but instead sitting in his place.  A note.  Folded in half on his pillow.  I sit up, snatching it off his pillow and open it to read it. Once I finish the paragraph, I scream in sorrow.  I jump out of bed, head to my closet, get dressed in the gear that I usually wear on missions, and prepare for battle.  I race downstairs to the kitchen and call the gang phone.  I dialled the number and yelled into the phone at all the members," GET TO MY HOUSE NOW!"  I hung up, racing down to the training facility underground.  

I waited 10 minutes before everyone filed down in front of me as I stood on the ledge so everyone could hear me.  "Grayson's been taken by IronSage," I state; everyone gasped, and some were in tears, but once it was set aside. Their brains, the only emotion you could feel was pure and utter anger.  I smile at the fact that the members are as angry as me. I read the note out loud, "I have taken your precious Grayson Dolan; I have a plan to kill him, you can try and find me, but I assure you it'll be too late, Sincerely Jayden and Curtis" I am in tears by the end of it and same with many of the gang members.  "We're going to get him, and if you see Curtis or Jayden, kidnap them. They're my kill" I jumped off the ledge and head to the table map, and we start planning.

Grayson's P.O.V

I've been here for a few weeks, don't know how long, really, and I don't think I can last much longer; I've fallen asleep every night with my baby girl on my mind.   Replaying all our happy moments together, I even smile at the moment when I last saw her gorgeous face. "What are you smiling about?!" Jayden yells. He punches me in the gut, making me grunt out in pain; I smirk up at him. "Just thinking about when I was fucking my baby girl's brains out," he gets mad and punched me again.  "Any last words?" Jayden says, "Tell Y/N I love her," I smile, thinking about her; Jayden pulls his arm back and punches me straight across the temple, sending me into a pit of darkness thinking about my beautiful baby girl.

Y/N's P.O.V

I Jolted awake and ran to the bathroom, throwing up all the things in my stomach, this has been happening the last couple of weeks, and I don't know why either.  I go to the gang's doctor and ask her why this is happening.  "You're pregnant"  I stare at her wide-eyed incapable to speak, She turns the ultrasound screen towards me, and it showed a little blob on the screen; my eyelashes release a few tears of happiness.  I hug her and whisper a million thank you's to her before going to mine and Grayson's room.  Once I get there, I strip to my bra and underwear, looking at the little bump of 5 weeks, she said.   I caress my belly, imagining Grayson is kissing my belly and hugging me, then someone bursts into my room. I quickly turn around to find a female gang member.

"Get dressed; we've found him, and so members are bringing him here along with Curtis and Jayden." Then she closes the door and walks away; I start getting dressed while sobbing; happily, I can't wait to see him finally.  I put leggings and Grayson's t-shirt on before going downstairs.  I head to the doctor's section of the mansion; the gang looks sadly at me as I walk towards Grayson's hospital room.   I gasp as I reach the doorway and slowly walk over to him as tears glide down my cheeks.  Grayson is black and blue all over with cuts now bandaged; he is still beautiful even if he's been beaten.  I caress his bruised cheek before kissing his forehead and holding his hand.  

The doctor walks in and gives me a sad smile, then looks at her clipboard.  "Mr.Dolan's injuries are severe, and he's in a coma right now, but he might not wake up," I let out a sob before covering my mouth with my hand to muffle them.  "What's the odds that he'll wake up?" I ask, "65% change, he has a good chance of waking up," the doctor replies, She gets up and leaves, I look at Grayson.  "Guess what I found out today, baby" I stand up, grabbing his bandaged hand and place it on my belly, and smile at Grayson's bruised face, "Your gonna be a daddy!" I giggle at him.   "I'll be right back, my love," I say and kiss his forehead; I slip out of the room and grab a blanket and pillow from one of the nurses.  I get back to his room and curl up on the chair beside him falling asleep, holding Grayson's large warm hand. 

I am now six months pregnant, and I'm on my way to see Grayson in the hospital like I do every day.  He still hasn't woken up yet, but I still visit; my round belly has gotten huge.  I open the door to Grayson's hospital room and smile at his handsome face; Grayson is all healed.  He just isn't awake yet.  I sit down in the chair next to him, grab his hand and start to play with it as I tell him about my day.  Every day I've been here and tell him about my day, and I put his hand against my belly so he can feel the baby kick.  Once I finished my story, I kiss his forehead and walk back to our room and fall asleep, holding my belly feeling our little girl kick, knowing she is as strong as her parents.  

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