40- Trial -Edited-

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"Do I want to testify? Of course I do!" I told mom after she asked me if I wanted to go to the trial to try to prove Mr Asano not guilty. "Alright... calm down... go to your fiancé's house and tell him what's going on tomorrow." I nodded and left the house.

I knocked on the door and Mrs Asano opened it. "Oh, (Y/n), hello." "Hello Diane, can I see Gakushuu?" "I'm right here. What do you want?" "Tomorrow, your father is going to court and I'm going to testify to try and prove him not guilty." "What? Dammit! I'm coming too." "Shuuie, please calm down. I know this is an upsetting matter but yelling and cursing about it isn't going to help." Diane said and I sighed. "I'll do everything I can to help him. He did just want the best for the world." I said and Gakushuu clenched his fists as Diane sighed. "I'll get your other friends over here. Relax and don't think about it too much. Maybe we should visit your father later." Gakushuu nodded and I hugged him. He seemed to freeze for a minute and I had just brought him up to his room.

"Alright, how much sleep have you gotten?" "That obvious?" I nodded and pointed to the bags under his eyes. "I know you're worried about him, but I'm sure your father will be fine." I said and he just nodded a bit. "I'll sleep tonight..." "You better." I said and sighed. "Gakushuu! Is your father going to trial tomorrow?" The door suddenly opened and we saw Ren, seemingly panicked. "He is... (Y/n) is going to testify to try to prove him not guilty." Gakushuu said and I nodded. "I think the entirety of E-class was invited to testify...." I muttered and they nodded, knowing why. "Unfortunately, even though school just started, I'm sure that five at the most will be able to come, two at the least." I said and sighed.

Next day

"Miss Selene Chinami?" The judge said and I was at the podium. The prosecutor spoke. "Well then, it's clear you think Mr Gakuho Asano should be out of jail now, why?" He asked and and I remained calm. "The world would be destroyed if it wasn't for him allowing the octopus to come and teach E-class while trying to assassinate him." I said calmly and kept a blank face. "And yet that still doesn't answer the question." I sighed and spoke, "Because Mr Prosecutor, when Mr Asano let him teach the class, he had confined him in a space. While the government can claim as much as they want that they've mainly help assassinate him, it was the students. The military had access to missiles and yet, what happened? They missed every shot, not even getting a tentacle off him but when he was in the classroom where he was trapped, that octopus has been nearly assassinated many more times than the adults could've done." I said and noticed the defense smile. Mr Asano had a genuine smile to me and I smiled back.

"Objection!" Someone yelled and everyone seemed surprised. "Order! Order!" The judge yelled after banging his gavel. "Well, Miss Chinami has given sufficient proof that it's alright, but I want whoever said objection to come speak." He said and let me leave to the lobby for now.

Mom's POV

An older man came to the stand and spoke. "Mr Asano has done nothing but made children bloodthirsty beasts! That isn't going to be better for the world, it'll just make there be more killers!" Oh bullshit. I thought and noticed Young Asano at the edge of his seat. "Calm down. I know your father quite well, he'll get out of this." I said to him and he just backed up a bit but his focus stayed on his father. So despite what he told me, they do care for each other, how sweet. I smiled to myself before noticing Gakuho look up. He saw his son and wife quickly, as they didn't want their daughter worried or scared, he smiled to them and then looked back down.

"Objection!" The defense said. "Why don't we bring in the whole class of kids?" "That's impossible Mr Wright." (Yes I'm bringing Phoenix Wright in the story). "Why Edgeworth?" "Because most of the class is overseas, we only have eight of the kids here." "Then let's bring them in to see what they say about Mr Asano!" Mr Wright said and the judge nodded. "After this testimony." "As I was saying, I'm sure those kids are experienced with knives and all because of this man!" He pointed to Mr Asano and the judge nodded. "Hm... what's your evidence they're still all bloodthirsty." "Mr Wright, you can't be that oblivious, could you?" "What?" "I mean that, when Miss Chinami was in here, she had some bloodlust seeping off her whenever mentioning the word, 'Octopus'. She clearly hated that creature, who knows what might happen to other people she hates." "Or maybe it's because p-" "Mr Wright, I think we should simply let her explain!" The judge said and he sighed.

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