31- Reaper's Assassination

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"There you are my student." (Btw, you did receive the same camouflage outfit they have and are wearing it)

The Reaper said over a transmitter. I nodded and the elevator stopped as I powered off my phone for now. I left and heard Karma.

"LET MY SISTER GO YOU BITCH!" He yelled and I heard some bars get punched. The Reaper laughed and I came to him. "Well, what will we do sir?" I asked, knowing they can hear. "I am no longer your teacher you worthless student." He said, beginning an act and I had fake tears in my eyes. "S-Sir? What about everything that I've done for y-you? I've been a loyal student." I said and he brought a knife up to my neck before I heard Kaede.

"Stop acting! I can see through it too you know!" She yelled and I began to laugh. The Reaper nodded to me and I nodded back before drawing my two Anti-Sensei knives and jumped down in the chamber.

"Alright, you got me Yukimura. I want to test something Koro-Sensei, is that okay?" I asked and the Reaper was suddenly at the bars holding them. "You have many questions to answer Ms Akabane." He had a tentacle on my head and the Reaper shot it with no problem. He was shocked and looked at his old student and seemed sad. "I've trained her better than you could ever train me." He said, "Now, focus on what she wants to test." He said and out his gun away while smiling. "I want the other students to step back and see what progress Ms Akabane has made." He said and everyone stepped to the walls around and I spun the knives and ran right at Koro-Sensei. He was frozen in shock as I cut off three of his tentacles.

"Th-That move..." He said and I nodded. "I'm very proud of my student when she perfected that move. Here sir, use this knife to fight against her if you value your life." He said and tossed a real knife in the cage. "This is going to far. Release them." Kurasuma said and the Reaper seemed to be in thought as Koro-Sensei picked up the knife and everyone seemed shocked as I laughed again, seeming crazy. "Wow! He'd really kill a student to continue living. Do you really want to live that bad?" I asked, notice the emphasis on student and he stuck the knife in his regrown tentacles. "Oh, I see how this is. You still value your reputation. This will end two ways. If we don't kill you by the deadline, the world will be destroyed with every student here dead as well as every newborn baby, every student new or old in school, elders and other people will die if you continue living. I know you already realize it, otherwise, you would've killed us once we came close to killing you. Or just hid somewhere where no one will bother you. However, if we kill you, the world is saved and none of us need to worry about the world being destroyed by our precious 'Koro-Sensei' that we love and trust so much." I said and attacked him every other time a word was said. He slowed down at each tentacle and the other kids were surprised by my bloodthirsty attitude, even Karma.

"(Y/n)! Stop! You'll get nothing out of this if you fail!" Kaede yelled and I glared at her until I noticed that Koro-Sensei wasn't moving much after I mentioned that everyone would be dead because of him. The Reaper was smiling as he was sitting at a wall near the cage. "Irina, you know what to do." He said and she nodded as she attacked Kurasuma, bringing him further and further away from us. Koro-Sensei then spoke again, "I didn't ask to be like this. I'm only like this because of him." Koro-Sensei said and pointed a tentacle at the Reaper. "I only betrayed you because you never cared for me, despite all the things I did for you. Now, let's finish him, shall we?" He asked and we heard an explosion.

I smiled and nodded as he was suddenly behind Koro-Sensei. "Sir! Behind you!" Kataoka yelled and Koro-Sensei moved as we both attacked him. I was grabbed from behind and punched whoever was holding me to see it was Karma by the fact that he blocked me. "You aren't getting anything out of this! And how did I not know you were trained by the Reaper?!" He asked, yelling at me and I peacefully smiled as I threw a knife back right at the octopus again. The Reaper nodded to me, showing that it was alright how Karma was holding me and still attacked him.

"Oh right, I really must thank you Nagisa. If you didn't distract him that one day in class, I wouldn't have been able to text my teacher in such a short time." I said and he looked down at the ground as Kaede comforted him before looking at me. "You used Nagisa? How could you? That's heartless!" She said and I nodded before getting out of Karma's grasp. "That's what assassins are." I said, and continued helping the Reaper kill Koro-Sensei until the Reaper brought him and me out of the cage. "Sir? Why'd we stop?" I asked, clearly confused as he pulled out a remote before walking further in. "Kurasuma, can you hear me?" He asked and we heard someone yell 'yes'.

"Great! This tunnel will be flooded soon, oh, and Irina, my name isn't really Akio Kizota and I don't have the same past as you. I must say you're easy to trick once you're happy." He said, spinning a rose in his hands as I noticed this one still had its thorns. He smiling and walked further into the chamber, "Go home (Y/n). I'm sure that boy and his friends are quite worried for you." He said and I nodded as I left and headed to a nearby restroom to change my clothes and to clean the stench off which actually took a short while. By the time I finished changing, I turned my phone back on and texted Gakushuu.

(Y/n): Hey, I'm sorry I wasn't at your house sooner. Karma was hiding in the forest and made it a wild goose chase to find him.
Gakushuu: Just get home. We've all been worried since you've been gone for about 2 hours.
(Y/n): I am, Karma and I just talked for a short bit. I'll text you when I'm there.
Gakushuu: Good. I'll see you soon.

Gakushuu Asano has left the chat

I turned off my phone and realized that Ritsu wasn't herself. She was hacked. Odd... whatever, I'm sure she'll be fine after the assassination. I thought and got out of the forest until Koro-Sensei was in front of me. "Ms Akabane! You have some major explaining to do!" He said and held a tentacle up like a person would hold their pointer finger up. "Whatever Calamari. What happened to your old student." "Please don't remind me of him. But Kurasuma can explain." He said and my hand was grabbed harshly. "I need to get to Gakushuu's home. Let me go." I said but Karma refused as the rest of the class came. Terasaka came and punched my arm as I blankly stared even though the pain was bad.

"What the hell was that?! We all could've died!" Terasaka yelled and I heard Kurasuma. "How do you know him? He's always been hidden from society." Kurasuma asked and I sat down, bored even though I had to hold my arm up since Karma was still holding it.

(Imagine everyone is younger in this backstory) "For as long as I've known, our father has hated me. By the time I was about seven, he gave me to a research facility when I was asleep so they could test some sort of serum on me. Although, our mother has noticed immediately and called someone to bring me back before anything could happen to me. Even now, I have no idea what they would've done to me but I remember a man who appeared one day. He taught me some necessary things about life such as how to speak and walk better. He became my best friend there and did every test on me he had to before they inserted the serum in me. One day, before what he said an explosion was going to happen, he snuck me out and I heard the faculty mad. He took me to an abandoned building where he trained me how to defend myself and how to act. After about four years of very hard training, he had me go back home where I defended myself against my father until he began to use weapons against me that I couldn't go against." I sighed after finishing telling the past and Karma let my arm go, finally.

"That's where you were? Our mom was panicking for you while father trained me to be stronger than everyone." "That's nice, now, I'd like an explanation of how you're even alive and away from the Reaper." I said and Kurasuma kept a straight face as he explained what happened. "Alright then... I'm going to Gakushuu's home." I said and left.

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