5- Fight Between Boys

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"He's... killing the classroom for some reason. He was just pissed when he walked in."

After Nagisa said that, I walked in the classroom Karma was in to see it destroyed. He was currently using the wall as a punching bag now and was screaming that he'll kill Asano. "Akabane, what have you done?" Karma turned and nearly punched Asano if he didn't move out of the way. "What have I done? I've imagined that this dammed classroom is your face and destroyed it!"

Nagisa walked in the class and heard that. "Karma? Why? You've never done that before so why now?" Karma tried to punch Asano again but was blind with rage. "Apparently, I'm going to be Satan's sons' dammed brother-in-law in the future whether I like it or not!" All the other kids came in and heard Karma yell that at Nagisa and stared in shock.

"Wait... that means..." The Blondie stared at Asano and the green haired girl stared at me and finished her sentence, "Asano and Karma's sister are going to marry?" I covered my face and Asano glared at Karma. "You think I want to be your brother-in-law either? (Y/N) is perfectly fine in my eyes to marry but being your brother-in-law will be hell."

After Asano admit that, Karma punched at him again but Asano couldn't move in time and had to block it. Soon, both boys began to proceed to fight and I backed up into E-class. "This is going to be normal for me... yay." I said sarcastically. The boy Asano challenged walked up to me, "How so exactly?" He asked and I said that for now, I'm living with Asano and the Akabane's live next to the Asano's.

"Oh, your the kid Asano challenged to pole-toppling. Have fun at the competition." I said to him and I felt my shoulder get grabbed. When I turned to the person who did that, I saw an orange-blonde haired boy staring in my eyes. "What's that supposed to mean?" I blankly stared into his eyes but stayed quiet. Soon enough, I turned to both boys who were literally going to kill each other. I casually walked up to them and hit them both where it hurt.

"Karma, I just wanted to talk to you, not watch you and Asano fight. Asano, wait outside please while I speak with my brother." Asano, not really backing down from Karma almost fought him again but I simply shoved him outside. "Karma, how's mother?" I immediately asked him and he said that she felt more reassured that I'm just next door. Father just laughed when he learned that I wasn't coming back home and I clenched my fists into a ball. After Karma answered my questions, I quickly hugged him then left. Asano was impatiently waiting outside for me and grabbed my wrists when I did come out. "Why did that take so long?" He asked and pinned me to a nearby wall.

"Karma takes a while explaining some things. But I think he also wanted me by him so he did long explanations. Lets go anyways. I need to finish the assignment the teacher gave us." He stared at me and I got out of his grip but walked besides me. "Are you going to hop on the trees again?" I shook my head, "Not unless my legs feel like I'm going to die within the next half second."

After Gakuho got home

I knocked on the office door where Principal Asano was doing paperwork and I heard him to tell me to come in. "Mr Asano, may I stand beside the boys in pole-toppling?" He stared at me in question as I stared into his eyes, being completely serious, "I prefer you not to get hurt in the exhibition games. So-" I cut him off, "I'm sorry to cut you off sir, but I feel like I should. As someone included with the Big Six, I feel like I need to help teach E-class a lesson alongside the other five." I bowed to him and he was even more shocked, "Fine then. However, if you end up getting hurt, expect my defeat to not be as easy next time." I nodded to him and did another bow before thanking him, "Thank you sir. I won't be expecting anything like this in the future anyways."

He dismissed me and Alisa asked me to help her with homework. "(Y-y/n), can you help me with homework?" I smiled at her and nodded, "Of course I can. What is it?" She pointed to an easy math problem. "It's this... I don't know it." 12x5, I'd normally struggle with this sort of math too at her age but... I helped Alisa solve the problem and she thanked me. "Your welcome, is there anything else?" She shook her head, "No, just that question."

I headed to the guest room and sat down on my bed. "I should shower..." I thought out loud and suddenly heard a knock on my door. "Come in!" I called and Asano walked in, "You're crazy Akabane." I looked at him in confusion as he pinned me to the bed. "A-Asano! G-get off me!" He held me against the bed and smirked at my struggles, "Not until you rethink pole-toppling." I said that I never would and he responded saying that he'll be on top of me forever then.

"Have fun with bad grades then since you refuse to get off me." I teased and his grip on my wrists became stronger. "A-Asano... that hurts... you could at least loosen your grip." A tear was threatening to come out of my eye while Asano loosened his grip but kept me pinned down. "You know, I do genuinely care about you." Asano said after being silent for about a minute. I stared at him in shock as he got off me. I grabbed his hand but let go and shyly looked away. "S-sorry..." I apologized. We were both silent for a minute and he got up. "I should let you do what you need to. Just know that I won't be giving you a hard position in pole-toppling, got it? And... I'm sorry for hurting you, were your wounds opened?"

He pulled my sleeve up and checked the wrap. "It needs to be replaced. Do me a favor and flinch the least you can." He said as he got the extra wrap in my room. He took off the old wrap and examined the wounds. "He actually did this to you... I'm so sorry your life was like this." He placed the wrap and I was biting my tongue to distract myself from the pain. Asano noticed that I was putting myself in even more pain and placed his hand on my head, "I don't know how to care for people well but... don't put yourself in even more pain." I stopped biting my tongue and was relieved that it wasn't bleeding.

"Y-your doing well with it. And... I'm sorry for bothering you this much." He finished putting the wrap on and after he placed the remaining wrap back, he kissed my forehead. "It's not bothering me." He got up from my bed but I grabbed his wrist. "A-Asano... can we talk for a bit? If you don't have any schoolwork to finish that is." He shook his head, "I came over to you since I finished my work and studying." I smiled at him as he sat back down. "You weren't going to do anything before I came?" "It can wait... I just want to know you better right now."

Neither of us want to be the first to bring up the marriage but... we're both thinking about it. "A-Asano... I... I um... I feel like I need to tell you something. But, can I ask you to promise me something?" He looked at me confused but nodded, "Yeah sure, what is it?" I swallowed down my fear and took a deep breath. "A-Asano... I'm... a professional actress. Please don't hate me." I closed my eyes and looked away from him, regretting telling him that. Meanwhile, he was staring at me, shocked. "I-I'm not going to kick you down classes. I can't... and I won't tell anyone else." He said and gripped the covers. I smiled at him, "Asano, I'm going to tell your father tomorrow, after school when he gets back. It'll be his choice to kick me down or not. I won't force you to torture yourself."

He grabbed my wrists and aggressively pressed his lips against mine. I sat there still, shocked that he was doing this but soon reacted. While my eyes widened while he pressed his lips on mine and soon pushed me to the bed, still kissing me. When he backed up, we were both panting, "How do I know that all your actions and words to me haven't been fake, haven't been a part of your illusion?" I stared up at him guiltily, "A-Asano, I've only acted when Mai hit me, when we were at the Kunugi Kraze restaurant, when we were at E-class, and when I was in the principals office." I pressed my lips against his in reassurance but I thought he felt like he was being played with before he pressed his back on me.

Time skip

It's the day that pole-toppling has come. Day for the exhibition games, day for us A-class to teach E-class a lesson. When we got to the match, the announcer seemed to focus on teasing E-class.

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