15- Kissing Session

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I sighed in relief and kissed him back.

We continued kissing but we heard a knock on my door soon. Gakushuu backed up from me and sat me down on the bed and went to the door. When he opened the door, Ren and Teppei walked in. "Oh, are we interrupting something?" Ren asked and I blushed while pulling covers over my face. Gakushuu spoke, "Not at all. We're just talking about what happened in school today and waiting for you four. Speaking of which, where are the other two?"

Gakushuu POV

Ren stared at me confused, "You didn't see their text? They can't come today." I nodded and heard (Y/n) move under her covers. When I turned to look at her, she was out of her covers and staring at the ground. "Ren, why do you always assume we were doing something when we're alone?" She asked and continued staring at the ground. He just smirked, "You and As- Gakushuu were alone in here. Besides, it's just my normal nature and you look cute together." He said and I felt myself get hot but saw (Y/n)'s face grow red. She quickly picked up a pillow and threw it at his face. He jumped back in surprise but was still hit. "I regret asking anything." She sighed and got up and checked her phone. "He's right. I got a text from Natsuhiko, "Sorry, Seo and I can't make it today. A prank was pulled on us."

Reader POV

I read the text from Natsuhiko and he nodded. "Well, can't really blame Karma here." Teppei looked surprised, "Why not?" I spoke and Ren threw my pillow back at me soon. "Everyone in E-class was at Alisa's school. Karma was helping in a play. I didn't watch it but I know how it went." Ren nodded and I placed my pillow back, "How did the play go?" "Karma was punching probably the dumbest person in our class helping Kaede who was the princess in the play. It was a classic kid's play. Karma was the hero, Kaede the princess, Okuda the mage and Terasaka the villain." Gakushuu seemed surprised, "You weren't in it?" I shook my head, "I was helping Alisa with homework. Even if I wasn't, I wrote the script." I turned and saw Gakushuu nod along with the other two.

"We should start the lessons." I nodded. I don't really care about the rules Calamari gave us and we continued the lesson. Ren and Teppei helped with their normal subjects but when they left, Gakushuu didn't help with math, he helped me with science first. "Hey, what's the punishment anyways?" He asked after putting away the second book and pulled out his math book. "We... can't study for finals but I have a feeling none of the kids will follow that rule because of the deal. They are determined to win but they are still thinking about what to do. I haven't told them what you're planning but right now, the suggestions they have thought of are being able to eat in the cafeteria, have the library before D, C, and possibly B-class, but also, this is probably the worst one, taking the A-class vacation." Gakushuu stiffened and clenched his fists together. "I'll be having a conversation with Isogai tomorrow as well." He placed the book down and sat down. "Let's start this now." I nodded and we began the final session.

After finishing the lesson

Gakushuu put his books away and sat back down. "Now, since Ren disturbed what we were doing." He stared in my eyes and I blushed. "G-Gakushuu..?" I asked as he smirked and leaned in, "Yes?" Was all he said and stopped as our noses brushed. I swallowed my fear and spoke, "U-Um... I-it's late, m-maybe you should go to your room..." I blushed and he kissed me, pushing us both on the bed. I was shocked and tried to push him off but he was far stronger than me as he proved by holding my hands down. He back up from me after a short bit. "It's only seven. I'll leave your room around eight." He said and would've kissed me again if I didn't speak, "W-Wait... w-won't your parent think we're doing something wrong in here?" He backed up and stared in my eyes, "If they do, they know we are supposed to be married in the future. They'll probably think that we're just doing the normal in here for weds." I felt blood rush to my entire face and he teased me by moving one of his hands and trailing his finger up and down my body. I shivered and tried to struggle again but he just stopped and kissed me again.

"I don't appreciate you struggling. I won't tease you if you don't struggle. If you do, you know what happens." He said and released me while I slowly nodded. He allowed me to sit up again and when I did, he went in front of me and took off his jacket. My face became red, "W-what are you d-doing..?" I asked looking away from him. "It's hot. I'm just taking off the jacket, you can look." When I looked back at Gakushuu, his jacket was off and next to me and he was in front of me. I blushed even more somehow when he leaned into me. "How do you blush so easily but your an actress?" I stared for minute then spoke, "Y-You do it to me!" I yelled at him and he smirked, towering over me, making me shrink back. "Are you going to struggle?" I shook my head and he simply went back to kissing me, holding me in place. I pressed my lips back and after a couple minutes and he looked at the clock.

"Dang, its eight already." He said and I looked to see it was 7:45. However, I felt his lips on my neck and I shivered again. "G-Gakushuu... stop please..." I pleaded to him but felt him smirk, "I still have 15 minutes. Unless, you want me to tease you even more." I shook my head and Gakushuu continued to kiss my neck. When it was 8, Gakushuu backed up from me and saw my red face and whispered in my ear, "How about you do that to me next time?" I shook my head and pushed him out of my room. He snickered and walked away and I slowly felt my face become normal again. I went to shower and Alisa surprisingly didn't come in my room to help with homework still. She's probably just going to ask me at her school. Suddenly my door opened and I saw Alisa hugging a teddy bear. I got down to her and asked her what's wrong.

"A-Another n-nightmare..." she cried and I hugged her. "Don't worry. They are just nightmares. If you're brave the nightmares will go away. I'm sure." I wiped her tears away but she didn't nod. "C-Can I stay with you for now? U-Until I feel safe?" I smiled to her and nodded while getting her up to my bed. She sat there and I got on the bed with her. She hugged me again, "I-I saw the thing giving m-me nightmares again." She cried more and I held her close to me where she couldn't see what I was doing but I glared at my window. There, I saw Koro-Sensei until he left. Alisa, still crying back up from my chest and hugged me tighter. I lightly hugged her back and my door opened to reveal Mrs Asano.

"Alisa, why are you in here?" She asked and I spoke for her while she picked Alisa up. "Alisa is having nightmares and doesn't want to bother you, Mr Asano or Gakushuu. I don't mind really but I'm worried about her nightmares." I said while Mrs Asano nodded. "Alisa, you can come into our room. We wouldn't mind caring for you or if you wake me or your father up." She nodded and got onto the ground. "I-I think I'm good for now..." Alisa said and took her teddy bear and walked away. Mrs Asano walked to me, "While I'm here, can I check your arm?" I nodded and held my arm out for her. "Thank you for helping Alisa. It seems you don't need this anymore." I smiled and took the wrap to throw it away. "Ms Akabane, tell me, is Alisa's nightmares about that thing in E-class?" I sighed and nodded, "He was just in the window. I don't know why he lets Alisa see him but it's dangerous. Did Mr Asano tell you about him?" She shook her head, "When he came in and requested to be E-class's teacher, I was with Gakuho. It does hurt me to hide him from my daughter and son, but we can't help it." I nodded to her, "I need to ask my mother something sometime." She nodded and waved to me and turned off my lights. I fell asleep soon and had a dream about killing Koro-Sensei.

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