8- Rivals

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"Do you prefer him over me?"

I looked up and Asano and shook my head. "Of course I prefer you! I feel like I'm going to die when Xier is around so I have no reason to like him." He nodded to me then walked back to his room, "Let's give her peace to die slowly." The boys, confused and not knowing what to say- besides Ren- all walked out with Asano.

Next day

I woke up and got ready and after I was finished, I saw the principal and Asano waiting for me. "We're driving you to E-class. I do need to talk with their P.E. teacher while you two just wait in the limousine." I nodded to him and walked beside Asano and got into the car. Like normal, the drive was silent and I thought about what the principal told me before I left his office at his house. (I forgot to add it but pretend that there was some unseen part where Gakuho told you about keeping E-class's secret). It was the only thing on my mind, what secret could they hold? How did I not see through Karma or someone there when I was in that class a couple days ago?

Asano poked my face and I looked at him in confusion. "Why are you fazing? You know anything we say isn't even close to being to you unless we say your name first." I nodded, "I know but still... do you remember what Karma said? How he'll kill you if you kick me down to E-class?" "Yeah, but I didn't kick you down." I nodded, "I know, but, he doesn't and he'll think you did." Asano just shrugged, "Like I said, were equal in power so he really can't kill me." I sighed, "I really can't understand you two. Why do you even hate each other?"

He shrugged again, "Why are girls so curious to stuff that isn't their business?" "Yeah right. It is my business if my brother and the person I'm supposed to marry in the future fight all the time." He looked at me, "We've been fighting for a while. At first it was because I tried to have a heart once and go against Karma for harassing Koyama. They were short at the time and easy targets for Karma while I was around his height but like now, we're equal, neither of us have beaten the other in a fight. I stopped trying to help kids after Araki since we just kept fighting with the same results. Neither would win and both of us would be sent to the office. Although, now that I tell you, I have no idea why he wants to keep fighting me." I stared at Asano sadly, "Oh, so that how you met them then. I'm sorry it had to be through a fight. As for the fighting, Karma has always wanted to be stronger after... well, you know what. So being equal to you probably makes him mad and he just want to prove himself to be stronger than you."

"If you two are done flirting, Akabane, I believe it is time for you to go out. Have a good day." I nodded to the principal and walked out of the car. "We weren't flirting sir, but I hope you two have good days as well." I bowed as the car left and went up to E-class's building. When I walked in, two teacher were waiting along with an... octopus?! "You must be the new kid. Welcome to E-class, this is your target, the kids here call him 'Koro-Sensei' but he's just a mutated person and must be assassinated or else the world will be destroyed. I looked disappointed, "I-I can't kill anyone! That's wrong!" I cried and I felt something placed on my head and looked up with teary eyes to see the octopus staring down at me. "Hey now, anyone can kill but you just aren't ready and Kurasuma will help you sharpen your blade until the time comes where you can try to kill me." I nearly fell to the floor if the other teacher didn't talk, "This may be nice and all, but I think you should walk out now. We adults need to talk." I nodded to her and walked out, still pretending to cry.

After getting out of their range of sight and hearing, I texted Karma.

Hey Karma. I'm at E-class, don't kill Asano, I'll explain later but I need you to ask your friends and keep it a secret that I'm deadly, Kay?
Don't care what you say, Assano is dead soon but fine, I'm with the people who know about you and telling them.

They're okay with it but you better explain why your here soon.
Thank you! I will at lunch or something.

Time skip to class

"Alright, please come up to the front of class and introduce your self." The octopus asked and I came up. The students there were confused who I was and I acted to be intimidated until his guard was down. "U-Um... I-I'm (Y/n) Akabane. I came from A-class but since I didn't tease you guys, I was kicked down to know how you feel." I lied and the teacher smiled, "Very good-" I slashed the fake knife I got and cut off three his tentacles. "I lied! I'm not afraid to kill you if your threatening the world." A twisted smiled was on my face and the kids sweat. Then, I went back to normal, "I'm sorry, what just happened? Y-Your hurt! What's wrong? H-Here, let me help you up." I extended my hands and the octopus took them, causing two more tentacles to explode.

"Thanks for the tips Karma. They really helped me and now, I don't need to let anger out on you. Good." I smiled while Karma held a thumbs up. "Ah! I just realized they're both Akabanes! Are they related?" Everyone stared at him blankly as I properly introduced myself. "My name is (Y/n) Akabane and I'd like a last name basis unless I allow you, not Karma. Now, for me being kicked down from A-class, it's because I was too violent. It's in our blood." I said as I walked back to my seat and relaxed. Koro-Sensei sighed, "Okay Miss Akabane, there is a rule in class where there is no gunfire or attacking me in class because it can be disruptive to the class." I shrugged, "Okay, I'll kill you later." He let out a small laugh and his face turned red with a circle. "Good instinct, but Karma had the same idea and it failed." I glared at him, "Don't speak about him like that. Only I can do that, and maybe his boyfriend over there. But Karma has been getting a little soft." He got pissed, "This is the thanks I get for asking my friends to keep silent about knowing you?!"

Calmly, I stood up, walked up to him, and flicked him, "Yeah yeah, I'll get you more of your 'warrior breaking stuff' later so calm yourself." He sat back down, "Good then, oh, and insulting teach over there can be a punch in his face sometimes." I nodded and waved to the teacher, "Continue." His tentacled grew back and the boy next to me stared at me, "Your stronger than that boy but your still weaker than me so I have no worries." "Hey what's the headband for?" I examined it and the box next to me activated. "Oh, it's actually to calm him. He is Koro-Sensei's brother and that headband is to prevent his tentacles from coming out of his head!" "Why? It's a good strategy against the octopus." He looked at me, "Apparently I went crazy after losing to him multiple times and he even helped me, so did this class."

I looked around the class and after a short while, class ended. Most kids walked up to me and I was confused, "What?" I asked and they examined me and I saw the orange haired boy quickly. "You really can't talk on Asano's half you know." I glared at him and he was confused, "Oh yeah, you froze after I said that. Why?" I glared into his eyes then his friend placed his hand on his shoulder. "She is telling the truth and maybe she doesn't want to explain it Meahara. Anyways, since we didn't really meet well last time, my name is Yuma Isogai. I'm the class leader here." I nodded, "Nice to meet you, and it's nice to know we both have one thing in common." The door burst open and I saw Xier with Asano by his side, glaring at him. "Bloodleaf, what are you doing here? Your supposed to be in A-class so I can tease you! Or are you just so dumb that you got kicked down?" I looked at him then turned my gaze to Asano, "Hello Asano, why are you at E-class?" I asked him and ignored Xier.

"Making sure this dumbass isn't going to bother you." Karma glared at him and I walked up to Asano. Xier grabbed my hand and I slapped him. "Don't you dare touch me Saijou." While I glared in his eyes, Karma pulled me back into the class and threatened to punch him if he touched me again. The rest of the class was very confused while I explained, "Womanizer, I suggest none of you fall for him. Right now he's trying to get me to date him."

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