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Everyone rushes to the hospital. "Oh god. I'm not ready to have this kid!"
"Well, there's not a lot we can do about that now, Paige."
"Oh my god. It's gonna hurt like crazy."
"How are babies made?" Manny asks.
"Um, I'll tell you later."
You arrive at the hospital. Paige gets sent into some room, where Tony follows. A small group of you consisting of you, Shrignold and Harry also go in. They're both in there doing... breathing exercises? "Oh, hello."
"This fricking hurts. Remember your birth control."
"Darling, you're doing great. Okay, you're about to have another contraction if I timed that right. Which I obviously did."
He was right.
"Holy smokes."
A midwife comes in and shoos you away. A few minutes later she comes back out and tells you you can go back in.
Tony comes out of her room with a panicked look on his face.
"It's about to happen! She's having my child! Oh. Oh. Oh. I'm going to be a dad. That's scary. K, bye."
About an hour later Tony comes out again.
"She's here."
"A girl?"
"Yep. A gorgeous little girl."
"Aw. What are you gonna call her?"
"I don't know yet."
"Do you wanna come in and see her?"
"Paige or the baby?"
You follow Tony.
"Hello!" Paige whispers. She's holding her baby.
"Oh. She's gorgeous."
"We need to discuss names, Tony."
"Okay. What do you think?"
Paige thinks for a few minutes.
"Wednesday? Like the Addams family?"
"It's a nice name."
"Okay. Uhhh... Morticia."
"Definitely not."
"Okay. What do you think?"
"Uhh... Sloane."
"Okay. Maybe not. How about... Cleo?"
"No. I had a cat called Cleo and my mum ran her over. On purpose."
"I have one!" Paige says.
"Willow? That's lovely."
"Yeah. It is."
"Sooo... Willow it is!"
"Yep. Baby Willow."
"Mm hmm!"
"No. No. I still like Wednesday."
"We're not calling our child Wednesday!"
"Why not?"
"It's weird! She'd get bullied for it."
"I think it's cute. And creative."
"Oh Paige. Creativity is a waste of time."
"If I wasn't ripped up, I would be attacking you right now."
"I love the name Wednesday. Please? We'll give her a normal middle name."
"Okay. We'll call her Wednesday."
"Get in."
Everyone comes into the room.
"Everyone, meet baby Wednesday."
"You can't call her Wednesday."
"That's weird!"
"Okay. I won't." Tony mutters "yes" under his breath.
"I have a name." You say.
"Go on." Paige says.
Paige gasps. "Phoebe! It's perfect. We need to call her Phoebe, Tony."
"Yes, we should. Phoebe is cute."
"Okay. Phoebe it is."
"Everyone... baby Phoebe."

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