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Paige's Birthday
You crouch behind a couch in utter darkness
. All that can be heard is the breaths and occasional coughs of your friends. Finally you hear, "What the hell, Tony" with laughter and you see Tony covering Paige's eyes. He nods and mouths "now". He uncovers her eyes just as everyone, including you jumps up and yells "surprise!" Paige's face lights up. " Oh my god!" She squeals. "What's all this?" "Its for your birthday!" Tony says. "Oh! Oh my god, thank you! I mean, it's not my birthday til next month, but thank you!" The smile drops a bit from Tony's face. "You told me it was today!" I hear Steve mutter to him. " I effed up the dates! Oh my god!" You watch as Kat give Paige a present wrapped with green paper. " Oh!" Paige says, her smile becoming slightly faker " It's g-green! Thank you Kat!" She takes the present and rips the paper off, revealing a beautiful necklace. It's silver with a pale blue diamond. "Oh my god! It's gorgeous! Thank you so much!" She squeals, giving Kat the hugest hug in the world. She also gets: a green ring from Robin (which she casts aside; she seems to have something against the colour green), A hand-made scarf from Manny and Harry, a bag of squashies from Colin (he obviously forgot till last minute), a few more I can't be bothered writing down, and finally a beautiful bracelet from Tony. It is silver with a heart-shaped charm, which has the word creativity written on it in teeny-tiny letters. You see Paige physically tear up. "Do you like it?" Tony asks. "I love it. I-it's so beautiful." " I knew you'd like it." She kisses him on the cheek. "I'm getting emotional" she says, laughing. Soon enough it's time for cake, which is fortunately not an aspic cake, and actually tastes decent, making you suspect Steve and Kat didn't make it.
It's getting later in the evening. The younger kids have gone to bed (Manny and Kat) and you suspect things are getting a bit drunk. Paige is giggling at every little thing that happens and returning Tony's bad attempts at flirting. Harry's voice is slightly less monotonous. Robin is lying on the floor "playing" an out of tune ukulele and singing "this sounds pretty good, considering the fact I don't know how to play ukulele. Everyone seems to just be laughing and having a merry old time, even Colin for once. You can tell that Tony and Paige are definitely drunk, because you see them kissing each other out of the corner of your eye, before running out of the room. They are probably going to get some coffee, you think/hope. Eventually, after dancing for 3 hours without stop, you decide to call it a day, and you head to bed.

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