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You go downstairs for a new day. You hear voices in the kitchen.
"Paige, it's just, you're knocked up, you could use some protection!"
"It's a bit late for that, don't you think?"
"Okay." You chuckle at the joke and head in, and suddenly get ambushed by Larry.
"Aaggh! Oh dear god, don't scare me like that!"
"I heard Paige and Tony having-
"Shhhh. I don't need to know."
He walks away. You go into the living room, where Manny is talking to Paige's stomach while she smiles.
"And when you come out we're gonna play roblox!"
Paige chuckles.
"I think somebody's excited to be an uncle!" She tells you.
"Where's Harry?
"Gone to work."
"Why?" She smirks.
"No reason." You say. You know you're blushing. She raises an eyebrow but says nothing. Shrignold comes into the room and immediately leaves. You follow him.
"What's the matter?"
"Come with me, I'll tell you." You follow him to his room. There is a sign on the wall saying Worship King Malcolm. You don't question it.
"Tony is going to propose to Paige!"
"We have to watch! I do love a good proposal."
"Okay... when?"
"Today. He's taking her out tonight to the forest. We'll hide in a tree and watch."
"What if we fall?"
"We won't fall."
You head downstairs and see Harry is home from work, and Paige is forcing him to talk to her stomach.
"And then I said, "Megan, you stupid woman, I did sign the papers." And pointed to it. Can I leave now?"
Harry leaves. Paige takes out a book and begins to read out loud. You go into the living room.
"Hi!" You say.
"What are you doing?"
"Reading. They can hear you in there, you know." She says.
"I have to go to the doctors later."
"I don't like injections. I've had a few and they hurt like hell."
"Yeah. I had 2 in year 8."
"I did too."
"Paige, how old are you?"
"I'm 24, why?"
"Just wondering."
Tony walks in.
"Ready to go?"
"Yeah." Paige stands up and walks out of the door. A few seconds later Shrignold grabs your hand and runs out of the door with you. You see Paige and Tony heading to the forest, Tony looking extremely nervous. You head a few metres to the left so you can see them, but they can't see you. They eventually stop in a little clearing. You and Shrignold climb up a tree and sit on a branch. They get out their picnic. You and Shrignold wait 2 flipping hours while they eat their food. They begin to get up. Tony clears his throat.
"Yes, my sweet?" He gets down on one knee. Paige watched him, it takes a few seconds for her to realise what he's doing.
"Oh my god." She whispers, and begins to tear up.
"It's happening." Shrignold whispers to you."
"Paige. Never in my life have I met a more beautiful, creative and smart girl."
"Oh my god."
"You have made me so, so happy. I really want to spend the rest of my life with you." His voice cracks at this point, as he gets emotional as well.
"Paige, will you marry me?"
"Yes. Yes, of course!" They both begin to properly cry.
"And that's how a good proposal goes." Shrignold says.

Would anyone be interested in an "Ask Dhmis" kinda thing? They look really fun and I kinda wanna do one

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