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Paige and Tony's wedding p2
We're waiting outside the church. Paige is clutching her bouquet to her chest.
"I don't think I've ever been more nervous. Except for when I found out I was pregnant."
"You'll be fine." You tell her. The church organ begins to play. She takes a deep breath. "Let's do it."
Paige walks into the church with you and a few cousins follow. She gets up to the top where Tony is stood. They smile at each other sweetly.
*wedding crap yadda yadda yadda let's get to the good part*
"Do you, Paige, take Anthony to be your lawfully wedded husband?"
"I do."
"Do you, Anthony, take Paige to be your lawfully wedded wife?"
"I do."
"You may kiss the bride."
They kiss each other. Everyone naturally years up and begins to take photos and stuff.
*skip to after party*
"I got married." Paige says.
"I saw." You answer.
She holds up her hand, admiring the ring.
"Honeymoon next, huh?"
"Yep. A week in Paris because I can't fly in my 3rd trimester. I'm 7 months. Woah, that's scary. Oh my god only 2 months."
"We'll all be there. You're literally going to be the best mum in the world."
"Thank you. Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to try and get to as close to drunk as I can. On Diet Coke. Lucky me!" She buzzes off.
"Will you dance with me?" Harry yells at you.
You head to the dance floor and begin to dance.
"Nice moves." He says, stifling a laugh.
"Go on then." You retort. He begins to dance rather awkwardly.
"Oh, yes. Graceful."
"Well, let's be bad dancers together."
You dance for and extra 2 hours, your feet aching, your chest burning.
"Darling, we're off now!" Paige tells you. You give her a big hug.
"See you in a week!" They head out.
"Wanna go home? It's getting late. Manny will be getting tired."
You turn to look at Manny, who was allowed a glass of coke and is now off his face.
"Maybe not."
You laugh.
"I, uh, I..."
"What's the matter?"
"Um. Look. I don't know how to say this soo... I was wondering if you would wanna go on... a date? Maybe?"
"Well maybe I will."
"And maybe I'll be very happy." You two laugh.

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