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"What?" You say.
"Oh, God. Poor thing." Paige says.
"He was abused when he was little. That's why he's here. Roy is an awful person. He's always sending us threats."
"Oh, God" you say, putting an arm around him. He's shaking. Turns out Manny is an idiot and didn't even shut the door, let alone lock it. A very ugly man comes into the room. Manny squeaks and hides behind you. "Hello, son. Want to come see your old dad?" He asks. Manny says nothing. "Go away." You say, sounding more confident than you actually are. "Excuse me?"
"You heard me. P*ss off. Leave us alone."
"No, young lady, it's not as easy as that. My son is arrogant, and therefore must go to punish land."
"No he doesn't. He hasn't done anything wrong. Look at him, he's just a kid." Manny looks up at you with big eyes. Roy leans for ward and pins you against the wall, his hand around your neck. "Listen here, you little b*tch. You need to stop sticking your nose in other people's business."
Suddenly his hand loosens and you fall to the floor. "Leave them alone!" You hear someone yell. Harry. He begins cussing at him. "I'll kill you!" "No! Stop!" You scream. "Stop fighting!" They stop and turn to you. "Nobody's going to kill anyone!"
"Watch me." Roy says, and continues to fight Harry. Eventually, Tony and Robin manage to break up the fight. They chuck Roy off Harry as the door knocks. Turns out Paige has called the police as Roy grabbed you. You are thankful to have a friend with common sense. The police arrest him, and drag him away in a car. An ambulance is called for Harry, who will have to spend even more time in hospital.

You are in the waiting room when Paige says, "it's not just Manny."
"We were part of his "punishment". He made us do things we never would do in real life. I feel awful, even though it wasn't my fault. We were under his control. That's why he's so dangerous." "Oh my god."
Tony comes in. "Oh my god, are you okay?"
"Yeah" you begin to say, but he's talking to Paige. Well, not so much "talking" as much "kissing". "Poor kid. He's gonna have bad dreams for the next few weeks." Paige says.
"As long as you're all safe. I love you."
"I love you too."
Wow. You never realised how serious they were. Robin comes out of a room. "He's gonna be fine, they just need to keep him the night to ensure he doesn't die or something, I wasn't really listening."
"Okay, cool" you say, and you all head home.

I love you - OUTDATEDTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon