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Chapter 24
So, I watched the video Clint sent me. It sounded like I died and went to heaven. Is there really anything Bucky can't do? He's ridiculously talented, attractive, and athletic. Makes me wonder how in the world he ended up with me. One thing, however, has been on my mind. I'm really confused on how the holidays are going to go this year. Bucky is Jewish, and his parents have always celebrated Hanukkah. They've never celebrated Christmas in their whole lives. However, my parents were Catholic. We would go to the Christmas mass and all sing Christmas songs together. So far, none of that has happened. It feels so odd to me. I'm not even sure how to bring it up to Bucky. Normally we'd already have our tree up and some lights around our apartment. It didn't really feel like Christmas to me here. No disrespect, it's just going to take me a bit to get used to it. I don't mind missing out on Christmas anyways. My parents aren't here, and we always were really poor anyways. The absence of presents wouldn't bother me. I'm also confused on how Hanukkah is going to work? I'm not Jewish, so I don't celebrate Hanukkah. It's great for Bucky and Winnie, but it just feels wrong for me to partake in the celebration. I know absolutely nothing about their religion. Plus, I don't want to be thrusted into something like that. It's great that they celebrate! But, my views on religion are different from theirs. I hope this doesn't make me seem like an asshole. I'm not too deep into religion. I don't fast and I definitely am not a pure child, but I still love Christmas. I really should talk to Bucky about it. He probably wouldn't mind.
I closed my journal and put it on my nightstand.
"Can I ask you a question?" I said out loud. He was reading a book. He sometimes needs glasses to read smaller text, so he was wearing them. I have glasses, but I always wear contacts. I don't even put my glasses on after I take out my contacts. They make my face look weird.
"Sure. What's wrong?" He asked.
"I'm catholic right. And you're Jewish." I said.
"Where are you going with this?" Bucky stared at me. I was kind of getting embarrassed.
"What do we do for the holidays? I've never celebrated Hanukkah, and you've never celebrated Christmas." I explained. He made a "mmm" noise. He always makes that noise when he's thinking.
"I haven't really put much thought into it. What do you want to do?" He asked me. Normally I would give him an answer, but I had no idea what to say.
"I guess what we normally do? You guys could celebrate Hanukkah and I'll celebrate Christmas. Maybe I can go over to Bruce's or something?" I said.
"I'm sure we can figure something out." He said, pulling his book onto his lap and reading again. I'm guessing this topic struck a nerve with him, because he got off of it as soon as possible. That wasn't exactly what I expected to happen. I then thought to ask Mrs. Barnes, so I hopped off my bed, opened the door, and headed downstairs. Luckily, she was on the sofa watching the television. I sat down on the couch next to her.
"Can I ask you something?"
I then explained the situation to her. She also looked puzzled. I think they completely forgot about my family traditions.
"Well, I think this would be a great way to learn about each others religion!" She exclaimed. She made it sound like some kind of project.
"I guess that could be a good idea." I answered. I guess this is a good way to learn more about their beliefs. I then trekked back upstairs and into my room.
"What'd you ask her?" Bucky asked. It was late, so he was cuddled up into his blankets on his bed.
"Same question I asked you." I responded.
"Ah. Did you figure it out?"
"Well basically, the holiday season is going to be one large school project." I stated. He scoffed.
"Oh, perfect." He joked. "You should just convert to Judaism. Might be easier for you."
"You should convert to Catholicism." I joked back. He turned off the lamp on his nightstand.
"Night, punk."
"Night, jerk."

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